Tag Archives: ancient tablets

Mardukite Research into Grade-IV Systemology Continues at Babylon Outpost at Borsippa HQ

Against all odds and in the face of the ever-changing shape of the world, the advanced secret work — to extend upper-level Mardukite Systemology through Grade-IV and beyond — continues through winter at the “Babylon Outpost” (newly relocated to Mardukite Borsippa HQ from the former Babylon R&D site 11 miles away).

The Babylon Outpost located near the central office and lodge of Mardukite Borsippa HQ
(Founding Church of Mardukite Zuism & Systemology Society)

October 2020 marked the year anniversary of the public inception of the Mardukite Academy & Systemology Society — previously operating only in the underground with membership composed of long-standing Mardukite Alumni. This marks one year since the publication of the original Grade-III Mardukite Systemology text by Joshua Free: THE TABLETS OF DESTINY and its companion, CRYSTAL CLEAR — now commemorated with the release of the first official Grade-IV textbook: METAHUMAN DESTINATIONS: PILOTING THE COURSE TO HOMO NOVUS.

“The Ziggurat” in Mardukite Babylonia SLV, near Great Sand Dunes National Park.

The former Mardukite Research Organization (now the Mardukite Academy & Systemology Society) began a migration of its operations to the San Luis Valley (Colorado) in 2017 with acquisition of the original 5-acre R&D site named “Mardukite Babylon” (and later referred to as “Eridu” being our first established presence in “SLV,” now that the main HQ has been relocated).

“Mardukite Babylon HQ” circa 2017 at Site-A (Babylon/Eridu)

Joshua Free delivers a 48-lecture “Master Course” to the Mardukite Academy commemorating completion of the “Master Grades” and founding of Borsippa HQ… and they are now all available on CD!

By the age of 25, Joshua Free had already written the Draconomicon and Sorcerer’s Handbook, Druid’s Handbook, Elvenomicon (formerly “Book of Elven-Faerie”) and The Great Magickal Arcanum among countless other unpublished notebooks…

If we consider the early teenage work that began in 1995 with the Draconomicon, then 2020 actually marks Joshua Free’s Silver Anniversary — 25 years active in the esoteric underground and New Age community.

Joshua Free (as “Merlyn Stone”) teaching Celtic Magic and Druidry in the 1990’s.

Joshua Free first launched “Mardukite Ministries” (Mardukite Zuism) underground at age 26 — then dedicated the next decade of his life to the “Mardukite Research Organization.”

The work of the “Mardukite Chamberlains” is now collected in total within the Master Edition volume released in 2020NECRONOMICON: THE COMPLETE ANUNNAKI LEGACY.

Joshua Free at the 2008 Summer Solstice inception of Mardukite Ministries.

The ongoing quest continues with the new work presented to the Mardukite Academy and the relentless research and discovery pursuits of the Systemology Society to help carry humanity to new heights in the 2020’s.

The 2020 Master Edition Hardcover Collection (4 vols.) by Joshua Free

<div style=”font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break: normal;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: Interstate,Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Garuda,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight: 100;”><a href=”https://soundcloud.com/joshua-free-471089670&#8243; title=”Zuism CyberVamps DJ Nabu” target=”_blank” style=”color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;”>Zuism CyberVamps DJ Nabu</a> · <a href=”https://soundcloud.com/joshua-free-471089670/rave-on-the-37th-parallel-cybergoth-cybervamps-dj-nabu-live-edit-mardukite-zuism-systemology&#8221; title=”RAVE ON THE 37th PARALLEL – CyberGoth CyberVamps DJ Nabu Live! (edit) Mardukite Zuism Systemology” target=”_blank” style=”color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;”>RAVE ON THE 37th PARALLEL – CyberGoth CyberVamps DJ Nabu Live! (edit) Mardukite Zuism Systemology</a></div>

<div style=”font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break: normal;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: Interstate,Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Garuda,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight: 100;”><a href=”https://soundcloud.com/cybervamp-dj-nabu&#8221; title=”CyberVamps DJ NABU” target=”_blank” style=”color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;”>CyberVamps DJ NABU</a> · <a href=”https://soundcloud.com/cybervamp-dj-nabu/metahuman-gate-to-the-magic-kingdom-live-cybervamp-cybergoth-dj-nabu&#8221; title=”METAHUMAN-GATE-TO-THE-MAGIC-KINGDOM — Live! CyberVamp CyberGoth DJ Nabu” target=”_blank” style=”color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;”>METAHUMAN-GATE-TO-THE-MAGIC-KINGDOM — Live! CyberVamp CyberGoth DJ Nabu</a></div>

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Filed under ancient esoterica, borsippa hq, crystal clear, CyberVamps, draconomicon, druids handbook, elvenomicon, founding church of mardukite zuism, Grade i, grade ii, Grade III, Grade IV, joshua free imprint, magick & mysticism, mardukite, mardukite babylonia slv, mardukite master course, mardukite systemology, mardukite zuism, mesopotamian neopaganism, metahuman destinations, modern occultism, new babylon, news, nexgen, plans & proposals, research development, systemology, tablets of destiny, youtube

Anunnaki Bible New Standard Zuist Edition sets “new standard” for future of Mesopotamian Neopaganism

Now commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Complete Anunnaki Bible, Joshua Free and the Mardukite Chamberlains look to shape the face of modern history again with a “New Standard Zuist Edition” of the ANUNNAKI BIBLE to plot the future of the “Zuism” movement and set a “new standard” for the future of Mesopotamian Neopaganism and beyond!

Here is the ancient Sumerian Anunnaki origins of all known religious systems on the planet today.

Here is the cuneiform tablet origin of the Judeo-Christian, Hermetic and Zoroastrian texts; records that predate better-known scriptures of the “Holy Bible” by 2,000 years or more!

Here is the “original” Anunnaki Bible-separating “prehistory” from “history”-collecting the most ancient writings on the planet from Babylonian sources in Mesopotamia. Here is the recovery and incorporation of wisdom from the Ancient Near East into a modern tradition of Babylonian Neopaganism known for over a decade as Mardukite Zuism.

Here is the New Standard Zuist Edition of the classic text by world renowned Joshua Free; an abridged version of “The Complete Anunnaki Bible” edited for the Church of Mardukite Zuism.

Now, more than a decade since the “Mardukite Core” materials by Joshua Free began circulating in the underground, a new edition of the cornerstone volume has arrived, uncovering ancient cuneiform scriptures from the heart of Mesopotamia and revealing the near-prehistoric legacy of the Sumerians and Babylonians as never before.

The purpose of the “NSZE” version of the ANUNNAKI BIBLE is to simplify a new futurist presentation of the original cuneiform tablet translations from The Complete Anunnaki Bible–the result of over half-of-a-decade of intensive explorations by the Mardukite Research Organization (Mardukite Chamberlains/Council of Nabu) from 2008-2015.

For the first time in the modern history, humanity can access this collection of the most concise cunieform scripture translations available–composing, themselves, the most ancient “Bible” known to mankind; and one that went on to inspire the religious and spiritual systems on the planet Earth for thousands of years thereafter.

This edition of the Anunnaki Bible presents a “new standard” for officially incorporating a solid modern religious tradition of “Mardukite Zuism” philosophy and its Systemology of applied spiritual technology for the future. The full text of “Mardukite Zuism: A Brief Introduction” supplements the most critical tablets from the Mardukite Archives, provided in a new chronological format never before seen!

Great care was taken in selecting and arranging the most critical elements of ancient Mesopotamian literature to present this universally workable edition (once exclusively a “Mardukite” version of these materials). In doing so, this special ANUNNAKI BIBLE NSZE applies equally to all modern factions, revival/reconstruction efforts, historical or academic pursuits and Mesopotamian Neopaganism. To aid study and research, a Seeker may still refer to The Complete Anunnaki Bible for supplemental commentary.

The Mardukite “Anunnaki Bible: Cuneiform Scriptures (New Standard Zuist Edition)” represents concise historic archaeological foundations for a new generation of Chamberlains, Mardukite Ministers, Zuist Priests and Priestesses, and other Systemologists around the world. With this special premiere hardcover keepsake edition available as a the perfect personal companion for the years to come–you won’t want to miss it!


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Filed under akkadian, ancient near east, assyrian, babylonian, founding church of mardukite zuism, grade ii, joshua free imprint, mardukite, mardukite systemology, mardukite zuism, mesopotamian, mesopotamian neopaganism, new release, nexgen, research development, sumerian, youtube

“The Way Through is The Way Out” – six months after Tablets Of Destiny and Mardukite Systemology Revival

In August 2019, Joshua Free made a special announcement to his underground cabal of Mardukite Chamberlains that participated in his decade-long secret “New Thought” division of Mardukite Ministries (Mardukite Zuism) known originally as the “NexGen Systemology Society” that launched privately in 2011. That announcement was very simple and clear: IT IS TIME.

Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free The plan to refine an appropriate release of material (published as “Grade-III”) for the public immediately came to fruition and Joshua Free spent the remaining four months of 2019 preparing the way–delivering over 20 workshop lectures, writing and publishing a quarter-of-a-million words, completing the fundamental core of “Mardukite Systemology” in the volumes: TABLETS OF DESTINY: USING ANCIENT WISDOM TO UNLOCK HUMAN POTENTIAL and its practical companion CRYSTAL CLEAR, released simultaneous with the POWER OF ZU introductory seminar.

THE SYSTEMOLOGY HANDBOOK (Complete Grade-III Master Edition Hardcover)

Newly released for 2020 — THE SYSTEMOLOGY HANDBOOK includes a complete Grade-III Mardukite Systemology esoteric research library in one amazing hardcover volume! Here is the definitive textbook for reaching the highest state of knowing and being, a first of its kind, including: “Tablets of Destiny,” “Crystal Clear,” “Mardukite Zuism,” “The Power of Zu,” all materials from “Systemology: Original Thesis” and as an additional bonus: critical materials excerpted from a specially designed Mardukite Master Course for achieving the greatest success on “The Pathway to Self-Honesty.”


“The “Arcane Tablets” are clear in their presentation of the Cosmos and Cosmic Order of the Chaotic motion enacted in the Physical Universe—and all things in the Physical Universe are indeed in motion, which is why they exist. The Physical Universe also carries the distinction of being defined by things relative to other things. And all things are wave motions—as energy and matter—in space measured across time. Which is what a “wave” is. Most understand this best in relation to distance traveled in a vehicle—as “miles-per-hour” or “kilometers-per-hour” or what have you—which is always given as “space over time” or, if your prefer, “space divided by time.” This is localized knowledge from the point of the Observer or Self—who is not moving, but is actually experiencing motion of the physical mechanics at work. This is why we often refer to these aspects as “relative” at such levels of understanding—therefore, we see, as the first Self-determined act by the sentient Alpha Spirit hero—in this case, “Marduk”—is to understand the Chaos of the Physical Universe and immediately apply efforts to Order it—and essentially, create with it.”

““Cosmological” or “cosmogenetic” origin epics—of which the Enuma Eliš is our most ancient and complete Anunnaki rendering on tablets used to systematize the Human Condition from a Babylonian epicenter—always, by definition, consist of sentient attempts to Order the Chaos. Creation, as we have been able to understand it, is not a true physical “creation” at all, but an ordering. “Marduk” is not, by any means, creating the energy and matter of the Physical Universe—he is applying his Will to be the “spiritual cause” of “physical effects” from a higher point of Awareness that is somehow outside or apart from the Physical Universe. This is clear with the perception of Tiamat—the Law—as suddenly “dualistic”: separating a “higher” encompassing “Spiritual” state of existence from the Physical Universe.”


tablets of destiny, tablet of destinies, systemology, zuism, mardukite, joshua free


Here it is! The Annual 2020 Review of Legendary Books & Tomes of Magick from the Joshua Free Imprint.

Now Available in Three Formats!
Arcanum: 2020 Review (Full Color Print)
Arcanum: 2020 Review (Standard b/w Print)
Arcanum: 2020 Review (Free electronic PDF)

The Arcanum Annual 2020 Review of Legendary Books and Tomes of Magick published by the Joshua Free Publishing Imprint representing the Esoteric Research Library produced for the Mardukite Research Organization (Mardukite Chamberlains) and NexGen Systemological Society (International School of Systemology). Discover the latest developments in fields such as: ritual magick, practical magic, ancient magical systems, the Vampyre tradition, the Dragon Legacy, druidic systems, tarot divination, underground occultism, Mesopotamian neopaganism, Mardukite Zuism and the latest editions of the “Mardukite Core.” This issue is updated with details concerning the latest 2020 releases of the amazing new omnibus Mardukite Master Edition anthology series.

Arcanum: Annual 2020 Review: Legendary Books & Tomes of Magick

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Filed under crystal clear, Grade III, joshua free imprint, mardukite, mardukite systemology, mardukite zuism, mesopotamian neopaganism, modern occultism, news, nexgen, research development, systemology, tablets of destiny

Tablets of Destiny : Transfer of Divine Power and Responsibility, Systemology of Babylonian Zuism

For over a decade, the work of Joshua Free and a vast network of underground organizations functioning under the banner of Mardukite Ministries have led Seekers toward a very specific destination. Our entire methodology is based on a very specific premise: that Ancient Babylonians used the TABLETS OF DESTINY & Epic of Creation (Enuma Elis) to systematize all cosmic knowledge into a workable paradigm called “Mardukite Zuism”—a systemology received directly from the ANUNNAKI.

Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free Discover the amazing revelations presented in the first official Mardukite Systemology publication (Liber-One) titled:

Using Ancient Wisdom to Unlock Human Potential

by Joshua Free

Available in Hardcover and Paperback!

In the Babylonian “Epic of Creation” the Anunnaki god Marduk uses the TABLETS OF DESTINY to discover “Self-Honesty” and the Divine Knowledge governing “Cosmic Ordering”—systems dividing the “Spiritual Universe” (AN) from the “Physical Universe” (KI). The two universes are connected only by a stream of Spiritual Awareness Lifeforce that Sumerians called ZU. Wisdom from TABLETS OF DESTINY are later passed down to and concealed by an ancient esoteric secret society in Babylon: the Scribes, High Priests and Priestesses of Mardukite Zuism.

“Our goal is not to directly and specifically repair existing fractured, fragmented—or otherwise aberrated—paradigms and institutionalized systems of belief. Our emphasis is on actualizing the individual spirit, empowered as its original, proper—or, alpha—state of Self. To successfully accomplish this journey in our times, just as we have seen in many instances of “Ascended Masters” in the past, we cannot rely on the programming we perceive from our environment or by any specific paradigms erupting as imitative examples to figures in the past who have previously traveled this Pathway to Self-Honesty.”
–Joshua Free, The Tablets of Destiny

Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free The philosopher Seneca recommends that we “use our highest efforts,” and however cattle-like our programmed nature, “we should not follow the herd of those that go before” or we will “go not where we should go, but where they go.” Then he advises that: “Since every man chooses to believe rather than evaluate, Life is then never brought to a scrutiny—credulity has always the ascendant. The error handed down from Father to Son embraces our Thoughts in its mazes—we headlong into it. In a phrase: it is the dull infatuation of being led by the examples of others, that exposes us to ruin.” — Paraphrasing from John Toland’s PANTHEISTICON, originally published in 1720—reproduced in a special edition enhanced by Joshua Free.

-1- Tablets of Destiny: Using Ancient Wisdom to Unlock Human Potential (Announcement)
-2- Forbidden Knowledge: Tablets of Destiny, Lost Mesopotamian Wisdom Tradition Revealed!
-3- Tablets of Destiny: New Spiritual Technology to Evolve Humanity based on Ancient Mardukite Zuism
-4- Spiritual Technology Discovered from Mesopotamian Tablets of Destiny: Mardukite Zuism Develops

Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free Joshua Free explains in TABLETS OF DESTINY: “Empowerment is equivalent to responsibility—our “ability” to “respond,” or else enact change. We may execute this power only to the degree that we maintain understanding and Awareness of it—and no further. We do not exceed the point we do not fully understand as Self in our personal development and spiritual evolution—no matter how many fancy word-games and databanks of semantics we may attach to further communications of Reality we are experiencing.”

RESPONSIBILITY : “the ability to respond; the extent of mobilizing power and understanding an individual maintains as Awareness to enact change; the proactive ability to Self-direct and make decisions independent of an outside authority.”

It seems little wonder why humanity would lose its sense of power when it has come to fear it and treat all “responsibility” as a “bad thing” or another grudging chore to behold—when in fact, responsibility is equivalent to, and a necessary condition of, our known faculties of creating changes that lead up to our ultimate goals and a true evolution of the Spirit as Self via spiritual technologies. This fear might be easily squashed with adequate education and preparedness—earning the individual some tools and experience to build the confidence necessary to wield awesome power of the TABLETS OF DESTINY

Tablets of Destiny: Using Ancient Wisdom to Unlock Human Potential by Joshua Free

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Filed under babylonian, Grade III, mardukite, mardukite systemology, mardukite zuism, mesopotamian, nexgen, research development, sumerian, systemology, tablets of destiny

TABLETS OF DESTINY – New Spiritual Technology to Evolve Humanity based on Ancient Mardukite Zuism

On the cusp of a New ‘Crystal Dawn’ for the Human Condition, one man goes forth to do the impossible — to bring every being on the planet the tools and spiritual technology to Self-Actualize the greatest personal potential and join us in realizing the brightest tomorrow. With NexGen Systemology, slaves become Kings, the sleeping are awakened and all humanity has the chance to defragment thousands of years of programming and conditioning that has kept us all from achieving the self-mastery and true wisdom of gods…

Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free THE TABLETS OF DESTINY:
by Joshua Free

FIRST EDITION available in:

Here is the first ever public demonstration of secret knowledge and wisdom drawn from the legendary cuneiform relics, far surpassing any previous academic interpretation of ancient artifacts available–a futurist map uncovered that leads the potential of the Human Condition from here to Infinity!

More “Mardukite ink” has been spilled regarding the Enuma Eliš than any other cuneiform tablet cycle. So, it might seem, at first glance, that there would be no new data to glean for our purposes. However, we have never provided a treatment of this cornerstone from the degree of Awareness attainable at our current level of understanding, and certainly never publicly in connection to the elusive TABLETS OF DESTINY which appear throughout our most ancient texts as the definitive key to commanding true authority as Self in the physical universe.

Tablets of Destiny: Using Ancient Wisdom to Unlock Human Potential by Joshua Free

For nearly a decade these matters remained privately in the domain of an advanced division of the “Mardukite Research Organization” known from its brief public references as the “NexGen Systemological Society” (NSS) governing the new “International School of Systemology” (ISS). This faction has operated in the esoteric underground since 2011, developing a direct extension of the “Mardukite Core” to support research and discovery of continuing work, as it applies to the present state of the Human Condition and its imminent future.


At our “first level of understanding,” the Enuma Eliš is a treatise regarding “magical practices” in ancient Babylon, contributing to the “systematized religion” distributed among the common Mesopotamian population. There are no shortage of rites and workable methodologies derivable at this level in which to occupy the civic mind and social awareness of humanity (at a physio-emotional degree of Awareness). In fact, this is what has been going on for some time in Western civilization—at least 4,000 years—since the perfected Babylonian codification of Human systems. Even the data that appears fairly concrete within the confines of this “physical” level—including the vast catalogs of terminology and definitions provided by the physical sciences—may still fall under the category of “superstition” when treated at “higher” clearer degrees of Awareness.


Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free Ancient efforts to successfully systematize the material world, using Babylonia as its epicenter, are attributed to the Anunnaki god “Nabu”—meaning “the speaker” or “prophet”—who heralded a rise of the original ancient “Mardukite” standard in Babylon, in honor of his “father” Marduk, the central hero of the Enuma Eliš.

This was accomplished by the establishment of a “priesthood”—a distinct learned portion of the general population—dispensing the “mysteries” from the “second level of understanding,” using the “written word” as their medium—something incredibly revolutionary for its time. In doing so, the “Mardukite paradigm”—at an exclusively “intellectual degree of awareness”—became a global standard, perpetually influencing worldly systems of the Human Condition in every social institution imaginable: philosophy of individualism; management of family life; the structure of societal roles; and even world order. All of which is reflected by an intellectual treatment of wisdom from these proverbial TABLETS OF DESTINY.

The “third level of understanding” is the highest degree—in total Self-Honest clarity of Awareness as Self—directly demonstrable from the TABLETS OF DESTINY. This incredibly superior level of realization is often misappropriated simply as “spiritual” in former philosophical and religious outlines throughout history—but in spite of vocabulary they may use, most philosophical and spiritual paradigms are still only treated, at best, from the “second level of understanding,” as comprehended purely from an intellectual level by the “most educated” of those institutions. These folk tend to pride themselves on their superior scope of discernment regarding that particular vocabulary (and “semantic-set”) within the realm or community that they operate. Very little of such arcane lore is information that actually and observably assists the individual or Self in achieving any higher levels of understanding—the purpose of which would be to advance an individual toward the point of “Self-Honesty!”


Systemology: The Original Thesis by Joshua Free

Systemology: The Original Thesis by Joshua Free SYSTEMOLOGY:

An Introduction to 21st Century New Thought

by Joshua Free

The founding NexGen milestone to advancing ancient research and discovery of applied spiritual philosophies for the future of humanity. Includes four original discourses first released to the underground as: “Human, More Than Human” “Systemology: Defragmentation” “Systemology for Life: Patterns & Cycles” and “Transhuman Generations.”

tablets of destiny, tablet of destinies, systemology, zuism, mardukite, joshua free


Filed under Grade III, mardukite, mardukite systemology, mardukite zuism, mesopotamian neopaganism, research development, systemology, tablets of destiny

FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE – Tablets of Destiny : Lost Mesopotamian Wisdom Tradition Revealed!

Tablets of Destiny: Using Ancient Wisdom to Unlock Human Potential by Joshua Free

The Joshua Free Publishing Imprint is proud to present the first official Mardukite Systemology publication revealing the modern inception of the most ancient long-lost Mesopotamian Wisdom Tradition once known only to esteemed priests and priestesses of Babylon…

Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free THE TABLETS OF DESTINY:

by Joshua Free

Revealed for a Global Release
in Hardcover October 31
& in Paperback November 14

And don’t miss the
Previous Mardukite Blog
on Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free.

Within these pages, Joshua Free presents the first public esoteric knowledge synthesis of wisdom concerning these legendary relics—a presentation far surpassing the scope of former academic and scholarly research regarding ancient artifacts and their interpretation for modern use.

Released for the first time to the public, outside the underground network of the NexGen Systemological Society (NSS), TABLETS OF DESTINY: USING ANCIENT WISDOM TO UNLOCK HUMAN POTENTIAL by Joshua Free, provides the groundbreaking revolutionary debut installment of “Grade III – Mardukite Systemology” — the previously undisclosed advanced spiritual technology of Mardukite Zuism derived from the most ancient cuneiform tablets on the planet.

In TABLETS OF DESTINY: USING ANCIENT WISDOM TO UNLOCK HUMAN POTENTIAL, Joshua Free essentially maps the highest route to esoteric knowledge—expertly bridging materials from the “Mardukite Core” (Research Library) with the amazing wisdom and latest clarity deciphered by the advanced “NexGen Systemology” New Thought division of the “Mardukite Research Organization.”

“The marked distinction between ‘destiny’ and ‘fate’ eludes many people. In fact, the modern English language provides very little support for separating these concepts in the mind, going so far—or not so far—as to simply use one to define the other. And they are not the same. Several early ‘NexGen Systemology’ knowledge lectures (given by Joshua Free from 2011 through 2013) pertained to etymology—or else, the ‘origins of words and their meaning’—and among these, the most frequently given lecture specifically described an apparent distinction between ‘destiny’ and ‘fate.’
–Reed Penn, in the Foreword to “Tablets of Destiny”

“We may take these words for granted today, but we are mistaken when using them interchangeably. Even the Sumerians, in their original development of basic vocabulary, displayed a differentiation between the word ‘fate’ (nam) and ‘destiny,’ displayed in Sumerian cuneiform with the combination of the signs: nam (‘fate’) and tar (‘to cut’); or namtar, meaning literally ‘to decree (or ordain) fate.’ And while the more ‘advanced’ language developed, and Akkadian (Babylonian) includes a great many additional words in its vocabulary, we find the two concepts suddenly blurred even then into a single expression: šīmāti (pronounced ‘shye-may-tee’) to denote ‘destiny’ or ‘what is fixed and established.’ In esoteric and mystical instances, it is no wonder that each subsequent culture in Mesopotamia would continue to borrow many former Sumerian terms for their own language, especially as a ‘sacred,’ ‘religious’ or otherwise ‘magical’ language—just as we see in the case of the Assyrians (and others) that continued to perform rituals and speak incantations in former Akkadian and Sumerian tongues. Even today many prefer to practice their most obscure ‘magical rites’ in some foreign Latin or Greek—or Enochian, and so on.”
–Reed Penn, in the Foreword to “Tablets of Destiny”

Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free A true understanding of Cosmic Law—which is our Destiny as beings in Existence—is what ancient cuneiform records allude to as perfect knowledge of Self in the Universe—reflected on TABLETS OF DESTINY—a fundamental once only known to the “gods,” or else, the uppermost echelons of ancient society.

We must understand who we are as this Self—and how we may most effectively operate within the boundaries and freedoms of this Game.

–How can we truly know the nature of our Fate, when we have, at best, a fragmented understanding of why we are even doing what we do?

–How can we effectively direct our reality engineering efforts from Spirit, if we still treat the phenomenon of our Fate from an intellectual viewpoint of mysteriousness?

These are the problems that we are applying solutions to at this Grade, and knowledge tier, called: “Mardukite Systemology.”

Joshua Free Publishing Imprint Mardukite Core Research Library Grade I and II
Arcanum: Legendary Books & Tomes of Magick: 2019 Annual Review


Filed under Grade III, joshua free imprint, mardukite systemology, mardukite zuism, mesopotamian neopaganism, nexgen, research development, systemology, tablets of destiny

Tablets of Destiny – Using Ancient Cuneiform Wisdom to Unlock Human Potential

The Joshua Free Publishing Imprint is proud to present the first official Mardukite Systemology publication:

Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free THE TABLETS OF DESTINY:
by Joshua Free

Coming Soon in Hardcover (Oct. 31) & Paperback (Nov. 14)!!

There is perhaps no greater enigmatic and potentially powerful facet of Sumerian tradition and Babylonian cuneiform literature than the “Tablet of Destinies”—or “Tablets of Destiny.” Within these pages, Joshua Free presents the first public esoteric knowledge synthesis of wisdom concerning these legendary relics—a presentation far surpassing the scope of any previous academic or scholarly research regarding ancient artifacts and their interpretation.

Elusive lore of the “Tablets of Destiny” constitute the prehistoric heart and soul of Mesopotamian “mythology” and “magic”—to use the most convenient terms applied to its general understanding. But, as a result of these terms, we are offered very little concrete functional or practical knowledge to apply to our lives. Contemporaries in this field are apt to only translate and interpret the “language” of these ancient mysteries, but with little true Self-Honest understanding of what these “words” or “symbols” originally represented to the author that set them down.

In TABLETS OF DESTINY: USING ANCIENT WISDOM TO UNLOCK HUMAN POTENTIAL, Joshua Free essentially maps the highest route to esoteric knowledge—expertly bridging materials from the “Mardukite Core” (Research Library) with the wisdom and latest clarity gleaned by the advanced “NexGen Systemology” New Thought division of the “Mardukite Research Organization.”

Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free This much anticipated foundation work and public debut of “Mardukite Systemology” provides a concise and accessible guide to the fundamentals of “cosmic ordering” and the “systematization” of the Human Condition, described on cuneiform tablets as “control of the Divine ME” (“may”)—or else, the “Arts of Civilization”—the supreme knowledge and wisdom that commands all true authority of godhood in the heavens and sovereignty on earth.

Actual “Divine” power and wisdom reflected as the TABLETS OF DESTINY appears strongest in our most distant era of the most recent version of human civilization and its inception in the ‘Ancient Near East’. Once collected and united—near the boundaries of Europe, Asia and what we now call the Middle East—it fragmented, then dispersed, throughout the globe in its underground migration as secret doctrines of the “Ancient Mystery School.” To this School, all original spiritual wisdom traditions on earth owe a debt—in spite of the fact that their own cultural pantheistic systems evolved as substandard facsimiles of the aesthetic beauty in true Cosmic Wisdom and holistic perfection reflected in Natural Law that we now know as the “Tablets of Destiny.”

These pages, therefore, represent a milestone step for NexGen humanity toward the total rediscovery and actualization of the original beauty and perfection of Human Potential.

In some instances, a singular clay, stone or metallic specimen represents the iconic or definitive “Tablet of Destiny” relic—Sumerian dub-nam-tar-meš or Akkadian tup šīmāti—as it appears in the most famous spiritual and cosmological teachings of Mesopotamia, particularly the “Enuma Eliš,” or Babylonian Epic of Creation. In other esoteric lore, and in relation to the dispersal (or fragmentation) of a collective body of sacred knowledge, the “Tablet of Destiny”—or what some scholars inappropriately refer to as the Tablet of Destinies—is perhaps only one of seven “Tablets of Destiny”— tuppu šīmāti. This knowledge is regarded as the “Supreme Key” to the Divine “me” (pronounced “may”)—or else the “Arts of Civilization”—used by “gods” and kings to institutionalize a systematization of Human Condition and Reality experience, still in operation after thousands of years.
–Reed Penn, in the Foreword to “Tablets of Destiny”

For nearly a decade these matters of “Mardukite Zuism” and “Mardukite Systemology” remained privately in the domain of an advanced division of the “Mardukite Research Organization” known from its brief public references as the “NexGen Systemological Society” (NSS) governing the new “International School of Systemology” (ISS). This faction has operated in the esoteric underground since 2011, developing a direct extension of the “Mardukite Core” to support research and discovery of continuing work, as it applies to the present state of the Human Condition and its imminent future…


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Modern Babylonian Gate Rituals Rekindling Fires of Bel-Marduk and “Baal?” : Mardukite Beltane 2019

Suddenly the legacy becomes reality—all around the world people are observing the “Beltane Gate” in a new way, and not simply reminiscent of traditional neopagan customs… we are seeing a shift in power toward a reverence of “Mardukite” ideals, by whatever names they may be hailed by and regardless of whether our underground brand of influence is recognized… temples and gates of Bel or Baal, the presence of similar “copy-cat” books and plagiarized “Anunnaki Bibles”… indeed the times have changed…

Nearly a decade since a newly banded group calling themselves “Mardukite Chamberlains” received “inspiration” to incite a global ritual meditation working for the Mardukite “2009 Beltane Gate” observed by hundreds of participants around the world who had discovered the Mardukite brand of “esoterica” during its first year of inception (originally founded on the 2008 Summer Solstice) as directed by prodigious mystic and prolific underground occult writer, Joshua Free, called “Nabu” by members of the Mardukite Research Organization (first known in the 1990’s as “Merlyn Stone”).

You can read more about the original Mardukite 2009 Beltane Gate ritual and the first blogpost regarding the upcoming Mardukite 2019 Beltane Gate synchronized global ritual meditation working HERE at our sister-site from the recent NecroGate Blog.

More details regarding the new upcoming event will be posted on the sites as we get closer to the witching hour. All interested Truth Seekers may participate remotely from their own remote locations or together with others, also allowing the nature of the observance to fit personal taste and still contribute harmonically to the mass-consciousness energy of others!

[The remainder of this Mardukite blogpost is officially excerpted from the preface to the Mardukite “Tablet-R” series, available in the 10th Anniversary Collector’s Edition hardcover of “Necronomicon: The Anunnaki Bible,” or in paperback as “The Complete Anunnaki Bible” edited by Joshua Free. An abridged paperback “Necronomicon: The Anunnaki Bible (Pocket Edition)” is scheduled for publication on April 30, 2019.]

For Beltane in 2009, the presiding Nabu Maerdechai, Joshua Free banded together with other Mardukites all over the globe to conduct a synchronized “opening” of the MARDUK Gate. In normal operations, this would be done alone and closed at the end of the rite. For BELTANE 2009, the South Gate was strongly thrust open by many dedicates and left open to all until the End of Days—to the gain of all devotees who wish to access the current of MARDUK directly. Much insight has been “accessed” as a result of this work and for those who have followed the work closely and rightfully call themselves Marduk’s Chamberlains…

The immediate result of this gate-work at the “Mardukite Office” was disclosed as the corpus-body of literary materials now composing an entire library! As Joshua Free explained in a recent NBR interview: “When we conducted the [original] Beltane Gate working, we did not have any of the ‘Mardukite-specific’ materials at our disposal. We are no longer dependent on sparse discourses of esoteric archaeology or even that [Simon] book anymore and will be able to have a wider pool of suggestions for the [upcoming] 2019 reprise…”

The evening of April 30 (May’s Eve) is considered the potentially most powerful time for Gate-workings from “our” side. Annually it appears opposite the more famous Samhain/Halloween threshold, and practitioners of the tradition continue to hold meditative (internal) and ceremonial (ritualized) Star Gate workings on this night.

The “key” to the Dimensions opens daily when the “Great Bear hangs from its tail…” but it appears to be most significant at Beltane when it occurs just before the midnight threshold. For example, Beltane 2009 on APRIL 30 was the sixth day of the moon and the Gate opened at approximately 11:30 PM.

Mardukite Ministries, later known as the Mardukite Chamberlains [Ordo Nabu Maerdechai] supports modern “Mardukites”—those who acknowledge a living tradition composed of a belief in the existence and contribution of the ANUNNAKI, working in a tradition based on the writings of NABU, the prophet-scribe and son of the Babylonian figure named MARDUK, who is hailed as “Lord of the Earth” by Babylonian accounts.

Babylonian cuneiform tablets depict MARDUK as a major contributor toward the creation and raising of humans and particularly the “Race of Marduk” (“Mardukites”) and perhaps farther, the work done by the “Sons of God” to fragment this existence from the Source, as was done by systematic design.

Contrary to other ANUNNAKI, MARDUK seeks to free mankind from the slavery that has kept us from the truth of the human origins and living conditions on Earth. The purpose of the Mardukite Chamberlains is to prepare the “House of MARDUK” or “Bond-Heaven-Earth” [DUR.AN.KI] which is equal to as and with “Self,” “Earth” and “Universe,” All-as-One. This includes practical processes of self-realization as well as dramatic ritual magic, but only that which exists from the point of self-honesty in commitment and service and not simply for the attainment of mundane pursuits, and towards the realization of a New Babylon—Heaven on Earth.

The Anunnaki Tarot : Limited Edition Deluxe Babylonian Oracle Set, by Joshua Free & Kyra Kaos – available only on Kickstarter during this limited time crowdfunding campaign ENDS ON APRIL 7 2019! Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to own a piece of Mardukite history with this amazing personal tool of spiritual technology, numbered and signed!


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Reviving the Secret Anunnaki Tradition of Babylon : ‘Mardukite Core’ 10th Anniversary “Gates of the Necronomicon”

“The first religious, spiritual and occult systems — those appearing in their original form as the mystical traditions of Mesopotamia — were rooted in a sacred relationship established between humans and gods. All of the original spiritual traditions, or “magic”, on the planet — the basis for everything manifesting after the fact — was rooted simply in ‘service’ to the gods. Specific priests and priest-kings were selected by ancient ‘laws’ set down by the Anunnaki, and their function was to serve as an intermediary, to stand between the general human population of ‘earth’ and the sky gods of ‘heaven’.” —JOSHUA FREE

[This mardukite blog post quotes Joshua Free from a live workshop regarding the ‘Mardukite Core’ given on November 15, 2009 while visiting the Pacific Northwest, networking in the underground occult community for the original release of the Year-1 ‘Mardukite Core’ as NECRONOMICON: THE ANUNNAKI BIBLE, when the Year-2 GATES OF THE NECRONOMICON materials were about to be first developed.]

“It was only during the later evolution of these system-based traditions over thousands of years that resulted in the more ‘kabbalistic’ approaches available to modern seekers today — and this myriad of possible forms is so wrapped up in numerous progressive attempts drawn from human consciousness (and the perspective of the ‘observer’) that one could spend literally multiple human lifetimes in their unraveling — because the cumulative ‘systems’ have simply grown that big, by necessity of course; we just can’t have ‘free spirits’ coming in and out of reality all the time! We just can’t have it. This all being said — the initial effort made in reconstructing a spiritual tradition toward the original Sumerian Anunnaki is first and foremost to ‘establish and maintain a self-honest relationship’ with the Anunnaki. In terms of the Mardukite effort, we have retained the original semantics used by the Sumerians who first encountered these beings: ANUNNAKI.”

“The word ANUNNAKI is Sumerian — or Akkadian — in origin and means in one sense literally “heaven came to earth” and is interpreted by Zecharia Sitchin as “those who came down from heaven to earth” or else sky gods. In the past it has also been translated by scholars to mean “those who decree (cut) the fates,” or else “divine judges.” There are actually references to ‘Seven Judges’ on several ancient cuneiform incantation tablets. But these tablets also indicate that the Anunnaki seeded not only the ‘genetics’ of early modern humans but also the infrastructure — societal systems of human civilization — an evolution of the same systems and an extension of the same civilization that humans experience today! For many, the journey will end right there — for the way ahead in all of this appears too difficult or obscure…the esoteric and occult is called what it is for a reason, and will always be understood by the few, outside and apart from public (mass) opinion and scrutiny. For there is much simply not worth taking time to debate. There are many people who will simply not choose to know — comfortable as they are with the worldview they have already found.”

The emphasis of the “Year-1” Mardukite Chamberlains work — or ‘Mardukite Core’ — compiled in its entirety for NECRONOMICON: THE ANUNNAKI BIBLE is specifically what could be considered “Mardukite” from an Egypto-Babylonian perspective. The works reviewed are the most famous and influential to come form NABU’s (Son of MARDUK) ‘Order of Priest-Scribes’ in ancient post-Sumerian Babylon — where cuneiform clay tablets were forged to show the Anunnaki deity MARDUK as supreme. In regards to the Anunnaki pantheon, a “Sumerian” background [relayed in Year-2 work, such as Liber-50, contained in GATES OF THE NECRONOMICON or THE SUMERIAN LEGACY by Joshua Free] will almost undermine ‘legitimacy’ concerning newer Babylonian hierarchies of the Anunnaki — a “Sumerian Secret” concealed in the Babylonian renderings emphasized in the “Year-1” reflection of a pure “Babylon-through-Babylonian-eyes.”

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MARDUKITE NECRONOMICON — “Real” ANUNNAKI BIBLE is Origins of Everything! Even Judeo-Christian Scriptures!

Many have long wondered the truth—and it is available to us as clear today as it was thousands and thousands of years ago—impressed on ancient clay tablets… the first true writings at the inception of modern human civilization—some of which extend back to the time of the first societies, the first cities, the first systems, the first…well… everything. And while humanity has had a turbulent history ever since, what has suffered the most in all of this time is precisely the retention, understanding and basic ability to know the truth about the origins of everything. How things came to be what they are today is not as important as a return to the source and rediscovery of the original knowledge—the truth as it was laid out before the convolution of further systems and cultural fragmentation.

Where does one turn for answers?
And are there answers for us?

Sometimes the desire to “know” is not tempered with wisdom and discernment. We have all seen the types that have allowed the pursuit of esoteric knowledge to drive them “crazy”—so vastly interrupting and impeding any sense of “normalcy” that they either fall by the wayside or worse, become forever lost to a personal roller-coaster ride—closed tracked and cyclic, providing perpetual stimulation and the illusion of movement… but what true enlightenment? Where is the ascension if the movement is not perpetually upward—unfolding laden potentials that are not restricted to just what we can conceive of today. We begin to allow ourselves the freedom to achieve these states of higher awareness by acquiring and maintaining “true knowledge” as we process our experience of reality and what is possible.

Fortunately, for the past decade, a group called the “Mardukite Chamberlains” (or “Mardukite Research Organization”) has refined a collection of the most ancient writings on the planet, presented as an amazing source book of renderings drawn from ancient Mesopotamia—the land of Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Chaldeans—and its treasure trove of clay cuneiform tablets, completely translated, beautifully presented and accessible for all to see! What’s more, this amazing book—NECRONOMICON: THE ANUNNAKI BIBLE edited by Joshua Free—has been carefully arranged and developed by those who actually take these matters seriously, not simply an academic interest or scholarly career. The etheric, astral and intellectual gateways that these materials unlock is far beyond what the written word can even express, and must instead be experienced first hand. Will you join us in knowing?

10th Anniversary Collector’s Edition Hardcover

edited by Joshua Free

ISBN : 978-0-692-19010-4
The Original Underground Classic Returns!
(Mardukite Liber N,L,G,9,W/M+S)
The “Mardukite Core” Begins Here!

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