Tag Archives: cosmic law

Mardukite Book Reveals First Look at “Law of the New World” Anunnaki Agenda

“The whole world needs to be corrected. There’s much work to be done.” — GRENDEL, soundbyte from Construct Constriction.

First intended for completion and publication in late-2021, THE WAY OF THE WIZARD by Joshua Free is the much-anticipated and long overdue Liber-Three (or Liber-3E) installment for the Mardukite ‘Metahuman Systemology’ book series. Joshua Free explains how: The world manifested ‘out there’ is an agreement of participation by what is going on ‘in here’ and there really is no distinction between the two when we get right down to it.

Certain to be among the author’s most controversial literary contributions, THE WAY OF THE WIZARD: UTILITARIAN SYSTEMOLOGY (A NEW METAHUMAN ETHIC) reveals our first look at the “New World” Anunnaki Agenda and the next great frontier of the Pathway-to-Self-Honesty and Gateways-to-Infinity — crossed by Mardukite Academy of Systemology participants in the Freedom From workshops led by Joshua Free in 2021 and 2022 at Borsippa HQ in San Luis Valley.

The Way of the Wizard: Utilitarian Systemology (A New Metahuman Ethic)
written by Joshua Free, based on the “Freedom From” lectures and workshops of 2021 and 2022.

Announced this week on ASCENDING ORDER EPISODE #4, here is the Mardukite Systemology bridge from Grade-IV to Grade-V, finally available and enhanced for Seekers, Pilots, Ministers and Wizards, in a special premiere hardcover Mardukite Academy collector’s edition presentation to be released on April 30, 2022 (just in time for the annual Beltane Gate) alongside a newly revised edition of Crystal Clear!

In previous EPISODES OF ASCENDING ORDER, Joshua Free states that the appendix of THE WAY OF THE WIZARD referred to as the “Law of the New World” should be published on the blog to be publicly visible and representative of ‘A New Metahuman Ethic’ that defines the ‘New World’ as per the Anunnaki Agenda (to combat counter-survival efforts of the Zeta Reticuli, Grays or Greys, as they are commonly known).

An articulation of a new standard of ‘Planetary Law’ has been in preparation behind-the-scenes on Earth for decades. In 2008, it was established that after 14 years, the “Law of the New World” should be revealed in 2022. Several well-established visionaries, messengers and mediums around the globe have all contributed to this goal.

The following is an official excerpt from the appendix of “The Way of the Wizard” by Joshua Free. (New release publication on April 30, 2022).

excerpt from “The Way of the Wizard” by Joshua Free

The “Mardukite” Organization—and its movement—was launched in 2008, exactly 14 years ahead of the coming dawn of a brave “New World” for Metahumans in 2022. This development over a decade ago was intentionally and purposely directed by certain Anunnaki factions, particularly those in support of “Marduk” and the vision and call of ancient Babylon; and in our case, a “New Babylon.

The Armageddon Clock begins ticking strongly in 2022, after 14 years of being warned and coddled. And while this latest volume—Liber-3E—is set to be released in the middle of that year, those few who are the Chosen Ones, from the many called, will have already heard the trumpet-cries for Self-Honesty and personally beheld the vision and the voice for several years leading up to 2022. If you have been waiting for a cataclysm, for a ‘second coming’, for an obvious momentous occasion in which to begin changing your life, you’re too late. For the rest of us, there is The Pathway.

Book of the Law of the New World” was a codename for Projekt Ethics—or else “Liber-3E” during its original development from mid-2021 through early-2022. Basic principles of “The Law” (as a written code illustrated here) are based on a combination of A New Metahuman Ethic, the guidelines set down for Utilitarian Systemology, and information gathered by other spiritual and metaphysical leaders that have had some type of contact with the Anunnaki, during the past several decades, in regards to the “New World.


Those individuals conducting “minor” acts of ‘counter-survival’ are subject to critical review of Ethics and implanted False Purposes. They are likely salvageable if they are able and willing to defragment themselves and change their order of conduct in the immediate future.

• Those who produce and propagate (via distribution, marketing, &tc.) material goods and/or ideas that are harmful to individuals and/or the ecological environment of planet Earth.

• Those who are oppositional to positive social reformation of civic policies that better equalize the survival and betterment to the highest Sphere of Existence, meaning both individuals and the ecological environment on planet Earth—and elsewhere in the cosmos (since the False Purposes of humanity appear to seek a reach onto other planets, &tc).

• Those who are not Beta-Defragmented and perhaps even suppress others from achieving such—including those operating under implanted False Purposes.


Those individuals who are following implanted False Purposes that lead to an ‘Intermediate‘ degree of Fragmentation are on the cusp of being salvageable; though it entirely depends on the individual themselves and how tightly they seek to cling to their materialistic programming. They will require a greater degree of processing in order to let go of their superiority and greed—which has given the gravity of this existence a greater hold on them, due to material and mental masses that they cling to. Quite simply, a Pilot’s work is ‘cut out for‘ them; resources may be better applied to those operating under ‘minor infractions‘ such as those who are simply ignorant of how to attain Beta-Defragmentation, and that “help” is available.

• Those “Irresponsible Parents” that have enforced physical punishment on their children or promoted that their children have values that would otherwise be deemed infractions of the New World.

• Those who kill, particularly animals—and including hunters believing their justification that it’s “for food.”

• Those who own and operate “factory farms” where animals live out “miserable lives”—even if they are not blatantly “tortured.

• Those who eat meat.


Those individuals guilty of “major” crimes are generally not worth the time and attention of a Pilot, whose efforts could be better served for treating those that are more likely to achieve Beta-Defragmentation and are thus more salvageable. Certainly an individual could have a ‘change-of-heart’ during their lifetime, but if they are still committing “major” crimes at the inception of the “New World,” they are more than likely expendable members of the population—suppressive persons that are treated as “Fair Game” by up-and-coming Metahumans (provided their treatment does not incite a “good” person to commit violations). NOTE: Leave their handling to the Anunnaki Elite and pursue your own Pathway to Self-Honesty. Fight them peacefully using social reform until the point in which they are deemed unnecessary by those powers that are here (or coming here) to ‘clean up the mess’.

• Those who are violent and physically abusive to any lifeform.

• Those who use their careers, “religious fanaticism,” elected offices—or any form of justification—to support torture, murder, rape, enslavement and “forced prostitution” of any lifeform, including forced breeding of animals, or the destruction of the ecological environment on planet Earth.

• Those who participate in any form of animal abuse, including abandon, neglect, indefinite chaining, physical punishment, blatant “dog-fight” type activities, “legal mutilation” (removal of claws, vocal cords, &tc.), or operation of “puppy mill” and similar farming-type activities.

• Those who have “sold out for power or greed”—and/or participate in any agenda set forth by the Zeta Reticuli (Grays), which are technically enemies of the Anunnaki “New World” Agenda.

Boycott China, Korea, Thailand and Indonesia until they stop torturing, boiling and skinning dogs alive!
End the Yulin Dog Meat Festival
We LOVE Eleven! 011
Congrats to UNICEF representative Millie Bobby Brown
and Happy 18th Birthday!

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Filed under borsippa hq, events, excerpt, excerpt, founding church of mardukite zuism, Grade IV, grade v, joshua free imprint, mardukite, mardukite academy, mardukite babylonia slv, mardukite publishing group, mardukite systemology, mardukite zuism, new babylon, new release, new release, news, nexgen, plans & proposals, prophecies & predictions, research development, systemology, systemology society, way of the wizard, youtube

Modern Mesopotamian Mysticism and Neopaganism, Sumerian Spiritual Traditions, Babylonian Religion

On August 3, 2021…

Rediscover the original system of “magic” and “mysticism” — born during the Sumerian Anunnaki inception of modern Human Civilization in the heart of Mesopotamia, and its concise systematization in Babylon…

Experience the original teachings of the Mardukite Academy for yourself — from the safety and comfort of your own home!

Newly released 10th Anniversary Collector’s Hardcover Academy Editions — a critical breakthrough in historical analysis and metaphysical understanding that anyone can access.

Published especially for you from the Joshua Free Imprint.

Babylonian Myth and Mardukite Magic, Joshua Free

Here is where the pieces finally begin to fit together…

Long-lost secrets are unearthed from the shifting sands of ancient Mesopotamian “magic” and Babylonian “mythology” drawn from arcane cuneiform tablets…

Here is “Babylonian Myth and Magic” (Liber-51+E) — the original sequel to Joshua Free’s underground classic “Sumerian Religion” (Liber-50)

10th Anniversary Collector’s Edition Hardcover Series — featuring the original Mardukite guides to modern Anunnaki Spirituality, Babylonian Magic and the Mysticism of Sumer!

Even if you think you know everything about Babylonian Star-Gates and Sumerian History

— Here you will find a beautifully crafted tradition unlike any other legacy Humans have had an
opportunity to experience for thousands of years;

— Here you will find a insightful tome demonstrating a refreshing approach, using ancient spirituality for
practicing modern Mesopotamian Neopaganism unlike ever before;

Sumerian Religion and Babylonian Myth & Magic by Joshua Free
10th Anniversary Collector’s Edition Academy Hardcovers
“Sumerian Religion” (Liber-50) by Joshua Free
“Babylonian Myth and Magic” (Liber-51+E) by Joshua Free

— Here is a Master Key to the ancient mystical arts, Joshua Free continues in “Babylonian Myth and Magic” further along that spiritual journey which began with “Sumerian Religion” — as inspired by Mardukite “Anunnaki Bible” research: true knowledge concerning the celestial powers and Star-Gates dedicated to Anunnaki entities; a direct working relationship with these astral forces; and the wisdom to coexist alongside the “gods” — ever walking on the favorable path in observance of Cosmic Law

Babylonian Myth and Mardukite Magic, Joshua Free

This special combined Academy edition of Joshua Free’s “Babylonian Myth and Magic” unites Mardukite “Liber-51” and “Liber-E” together for the first time as a stand-alone title!

This version also includes new insightful commentary by David Zibert, in addition to his original contributions to the 2010 edition!

Here is the establishment of even stronger foundations for a revival interest in Babylonian mysticism, Mardukite Zuism and the Anunnaki spiritual traditions first practiced in ancient Mesopotamia.

Discover the arcane and esoteric lore that went on to influence innumerable cultures and a unique systematized development of Human Civilization thereafter.

The spirit of “Sumerian Religion” and “Babylonian Myth and Magic” remains strongly alive with us still today…

The original Mardukite Chamberlains (Mardukite Research Organization)* completed its Year-1 cycle of work in early 2010 — and those efforts culminated into an amazing anthology first released underground as “Necronomicon: The Anunnaki Bible”, but which, for a recent solidification of our tradition as Mardukite Zuism, has also been published as “The Complete Anunnaki Bible”; and even a newly revised pocket-portable abridged format, “Anunnaki Bible: The Cuneiform Scriptures (New Standard Zuist Edition),” is available. That culmination of material has certainly earned its recognition as a critical staple and source book for a modern Mardukite revival, even now, over a decade later…

[*…in 2019, the original Mardukite Chamberlains (Mardukite Research Organization) reformed as the “Mardukite Academy of Systemology” and split into two divisions: “The Founding Church of Mardukite Zuism” and “The Systemology Society.”]

Featured titles pictured (clockwise from upper-left): “The Complete Anunnaki Bible” (Deluxe Edition); “The Witch’s Handbook” (Collector’s Edition); “The Complete Mardukite Master Course” (Master Edition); “Imaginomicon” (Premiere Edition); “Novem Portis and Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows” (10th Anniversary Collector’s Edition); “Babylonian Myth and Magic” (10th Anniv. Collector’s Edition); “Sumerian Religion” (10th Ann. Coll. Ed.); “The Power of Zu” (Collector’s Academy Edition); “Systemology: The Original Thesis of Mardukite New Thought” (10th Ann. Coll. Ed.); “The Way Into The Future” (Collector’s Academy Edition).

Although a necessary foundation to work from, completion of the Year-1 (2009) work proved to be only a beginning for the Route that would build and carry a global underground spiritual movement now, into the 2020’s and beyond, with a revitalized “religious brand” as “Mardukite Zuism” and its very effective Systemology of applied spiritual technology.

Much of this would not have been possible — or even coherently relevant — were it not for the pivotal Year-2 (2010) continuation of efforts made by “Chamberlains Alumni”, those that dedicated another year of attention to the practical esoteric interpretation of the “Anunnaki Bible” and its background…

Sumerian Religion and Babylonian Myth & Magic by Joshua Free
10th Anniversary Collector’s Edition Academy Hardcovers
“Sumerian Religion” (Liber-50) by Joshua Free
“Babylonian Myth and Magic” (Liber-51+E) by Joshua Free

In 2010, the “Mardukite Chamberlains” began publishing an esoteric history series by Joshua Free, establishing stronger foundations for modern revival interest in the Mardukite movement, Sumerian/Babylonian Anunnaki and Mesopotamian Neopaganism.

This included “Liber-50” (released as “Sumerian Religion” and “The Gates of the Necronomicon”), “Liber-W” (“The Book of Marduk by Nabu”) and “Liber-M” (“The Maqlu Ritual Book”)—all of which have been reissued as 10th Anniversary Collector’s Hardcovers in commemoration of “The Founding Church of Mardukite Zuism.”

Babylonian Myth and Mardukite Magic, Joshua Free

However, the actual series conclusion appeared in early 2011, with “Liber-51” and “Liber-E” — now united for the first time in this special combined Mardukite Academy 10th Anniversary Collector’s Edition in Joshua Free’s newly revised title:


released globally on August 3, 2021 from the Joshua Free Imprint — and available from your favorite book source.

The first installments of the Mardukite Systemology Basics Book Series:
“The Way Into The Future” (collected works by Joshua Free)
“Systemology: The Original Thesis of Mardukite New Thought”
“The Power of Zu” (based on a lecture series by Joshua Free)
“The Way Into The Future” (collected works by Joshua Free)
“The Power of Zu” (based on a lecture series by Joshua Free)
IMAGINOMICON by Joshua Free (Premiere First Edition Hardcover)
Various “Anunnaki Bibles” to choose from the Joshua Free Imprint
The Mardukite Academy is pleased to present a home-study version of:
for Grade-I, Grade-II and Grade-III, all in one!

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Filed under ancient esoterica, ancient near east, babylonian, founding church of mardukite zuism, grade ii, joshua free imprint, magick & mysticism, mardukite, mardukite academy, mardukite master course, mardukite zuism, mesopotamian, mesopotamian neopaganism, modern occultism, news, research development, sumerian, systemology society

Actualization of Your Basic Needs on the Pathway to Self; Being at Cause in the Systems of Life

“Yes, the information we have is dangerous. It is dangerous only because it has, since the days of the first inception of a systematized human condition, been suppressed and kept secret and not been used to properly educate humanity toward its highest ideal states…and as of Grade-III–everything presented so far as Mardukite Systemology–it is apparent we have made our first effective successful steps toward this higher ideal. I’m forging ahead to prepare the next phase of work as Grade-IV, because I want you to know with certainty that there is somewhere to go; that the next ledge of knowing has been cleared away and prepared for your ascent. But to reach this, your mission now–no matter what part of the journey you’ve found yourself on–is to make certain you have found solid footing on the previous steps; that you are certain of your mastery of the Mardukite Systemology premise given in THE TABLETS OF DESTINY and CRYSTAL CLEAR before readying yourself for the next tier ahead. If you’ve been paying attention, the next tier follows a logical sequence; but if you have not been putting in the effort, than what is about to unfold will seem like the utterly impossible, leaving Seeker standing at the bottom looking up to sheer cliffs of unimaginable reach. This Pathway to a higher existence is very much within your reach. All you have to do is follow the map.” –JOSHUA FREE, speaking privately to attendees of the recent POWER OF ZU conference.

Just before the 2020 New Year, a very little known but revolutionary advancement was made toward advancing the human condition on its next point of evolution! In Joshua Free’s interactive guide– CRYSTAL CLEAR –a Seeker may learn to free the Self from lower levels of personal fragmentation and programming; to apply Will-Intention to the fullest extent from outside lower “systems”; and live without regard of former fragmentation and erroneous programming concerning personal ability and responsibility accumulated during this lifetime. “The way out is always the way through; not avoidance, neglect or indifference—which only mark a path to ignorance!”

(For recent information released regarding the “Grades” see this BLOG POST.)

MARDUKITE SYSTEMOLOGY education and higher-level processing techniques become increasingly critical for development when a Seeker experiences higher rates of personal vibration (or ZU-frequency). Once a Seeker has rehabilitated their identification (realization) of the Alpha Spirit or Self, the goal is quite simply to make the able more able. Up to this point in the program—as demonstrated within the present volume—the method is simply for a Seeker to work a little further and a little further to essentially achieve this baseline Awareness where “the real work”—the actualized Alpha work—can begin. It is at a point of “free expression” that we can focus on what exactly we are expressing. Because this is important—hence: education.

NexGen Systemology Air Command

A person could be elevated to a point of sheer outward vibrancy and charisma without actually achieving a true beta state of Self-Honesty. The two states are clearly not the same; they simply resonate similarly by external observation.

If we consider “basic needs” data from Abraham Maslow’s famous “Pyramid of Self-Actualization” in relation to (1.0) to (4.0) on the Standard Model of Mardukite Systemology—

Crystal Clear : Joshua Free (Mardukite Systemology)
4 = Humanity; success; personal esteem.
3 = Group interaction; purpose.
2 = Family unit; domestic security.
1 = Self; physiology; primitive survival.

—we can arrive at many effective parallels between. An individual generally occupies a level of beta-Awareness consistent with a level of the Physical Universe (KI) they have achieved personal mastery of. By this “mastery” we do not mean some exercise of blatant (and ignorant) totalitarian control. We mean a level of “mastery” in the same fashion that an artist masters their craft. And we can be certain that the “crafting of universes” is an art-form (as much as it is cold science and logic) of which we are participating in by our agreements of Reality at every moment. This is the knowledge that constitutes our Standard Model—deciphered from secrets kept in the oldest libraries of Mesopotamia, forged at the inception of modern civilization and the original systematization of the modern Human Condition.

Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free In fact the Standard Model of Mardukite Systemology and our “quantification” (or numeric values) of the ZU-line would not be nearly as useful to us if it could not be directly related to other current valid data somewhere within its range to “know” things. This is because our Standard Model is a “continuity model,” which has been demonstrated in a former volume‡ to include Everything and Nothing from Infinity-to-Infinity. It is evident by our application of the Beta-Awareness Test, Emotimeter Evaluations and Graded Scales to states of the Human Condition, that this model is applicable in demonstrating both the subjective and objective Universe—especially as we experience it in beta existence—and that it reflects a perfected map by which a person might navigate the Game of this Physical Universe and reach the Pathway of Self-Honesty!



The Power of Zu by Joshua Free

Keys to Increasing Control of the Radiant Energy in Everyday Life

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Filed under crystal clear, Grade III, joshua free imprint, mardukite systemology, mardukite zuism, mesopotamian neopaganism, plans & proposals, research development, systemology, tablets of destiny

Mardukite ZUISM and Power of ZU – First Steps on the Pathway with FREE Online Intro Course

The Power of Zu by Joshua Free

Keys to Increasing Control of the Radiant Energy in Everyday Life

We are standing now at the cusp of a true “New Age” for humanity—standing in witness to the very first tears of light on the horizon of the Crystal Dawn. Sparks of clear light from a forthcoming Crystal Age peeks out to awaken the first seeds and cells on Earth to a new realization, signaling the inception of a Coming Race, one that undeniably represents Human Destiny: the evolutionary future of the Human Condition. This future may be shaped in Self-Honesty only by the highest caliber “spiritual technologies” at our disposal—methods that only a small esoteric demographic of the population has kept a possession of, and which is markedly only being developed, refined and radiated into this existence by those few who are “in the know.”

(This mardukite.com blogpost prepared by Reed Penn for Joshua Free and Mardukite Systemology as based on the introduction provided for the “Power of Zu” course-transcript book.)

The Power of ZU by Joshua Free


Evidence that our society is fast approaching a glass ceiling is everywhere—limitation of the Human Condition fixed solely to external technologies, low degrees of Awareness and faulty education; all of which have led our present state of the Human Condition toward its inevitable zero point. And the mantra that seems to be rising up from the underground voices is unmistakable: “Evolve or die.” At every turn of our attention we are faced with more and more problems resulting from grievous errors long past by previous generations—and their vision of truth. When does the old cycle end? Where are the new solutions? How do we arrive at the next evolution of Humanity and the unfoldment of its latent potentials buried within? When do we rise up in acceptance of our own spiritual destiny and become worthy receptacles “in the know”?

Mardukite Zuism—and its applied spiritual philosophy known as NexGen Systemology—has appeared now on the scene for the 21st century, very literally, to provide the map to that “know.”

Mardukite Systemology : Pathway to Self-Honesty


Take the first steps toward the Pathway to Self-Honesty with an FREE online introduction to Mardukite Zuism and NexGen Systemology with an introductory course by founder Joshua Free, (originally developed with Mardukite Systemologists in late 2019 for the Founding Church of Mardukite Zuism and its forthcoming International School of Systemology.

— FIRST — Download and read the authorized FREE PDF edition of “Mardukite Zuism: A Brief Introduction” by Joshua Free. (This material is also available for purchase as a booklet HERE.)

— SECOND — Stream and listen to the authorized FREE nine-part lecture series from “The Power of Zu” Mardukite Systemology December 2019 Conference uploaded to our Mardukite Channel on YouTube. (A transcript from this series, titled “The Power of Zu: Keys to Increasing Control of the Radiant Energy in Everyday Life” by Joshua Free, is also available for purchase HERE.)

Joshua Free has pointedly demonstrated the “Map to Knowing”—with crystal clarity—throughout various texts preceding the release of THE POWER OF ZU and now providing a brand new Esoteric Research Library to support the “Mardukite Systemology” and “Mardukite Zuist” paradigm. Nearly a decade in the making behind the scenes—since the first materials composing SYSTEMOLOGY: THE ORIGINAL THESIS were issued in 2010 and 2011—Joshua Free recently presented a synthesis of the complete fundamentals of Mardukite Systemology and its direct application to the emotional range of “ZU” energy, in the paramount textbook THE TABLETS OF DESTINY: USING ANCIENT WISDOM TO UNLOCK HUMAN POTENTIAL. The second installment of the textbook was released a month later, demonstrating methods of releasing hidden stores of our personal “ZU” energy at higher intellectual levels, as originally developed for an intensive course that was once only available directly (and in person) from the Mardukite Systemology Office: CRYSTAL CLEAR: THE SELF-ACTUALIZATION MANUAL & GUIDE TO TOTAL AWARENESS.

Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free


“The premise and pursuit of a vital force behind all of Life, the Universe and Everything, has fueled my own efforts toward a unique futurist NexGen Systemology since the days of my youth in the late 1990’s. In spite of any other interests I may have applied to this quest along the way—ranging from esoteric occult mysticism to quantum physics and metapsychology—my personal aim has remained to codify the underlying Systemology of “existence.” This, for me, represents a holistic and unified understanding of the Universe and “apparent Reality” as experienced from the Human Condition—and all those using the Human Condition to experience a Reality in this Physical Universe. The ancients instructed to: Know Thyself; Through Self, Know All. I can think of no greater, loftier, more applicable ideal to achieve these ends, than this journey we are now on—The Pathway to Self-Honesty…and beyond!” —Joshua Free

NexGen Systemology Air Command

The “Pathway to Self-Honesty” is what uniquely defines the 21st Century paradigm of Mardukite Zuism and Mardukite Systemology—demonstrating its superiority as the preferred method of driving us forward into the future. Although it is our destiny to reach a superior state of Self-Actualization—to “walk among the gods”—the route or pathway that is our “fate” is ours alone to determine. Whatever detours and distractions we experience are entirely ours to decide—and the power and responsibility of such only thickens as we tread further and further on the Pathway to Self-Honesty…

Crystal Clear : Joshua Free (Mardukite Systemology) Joshua Free provides a strong basis and inertia for present and future developments of Mardukite Zuism and Mardukite Systemology in his first true volume on this subject—THE TABLETS OF DESTINY: USING ANCIENT WISDOM TO UNLOCK HUMAN POTENTIAL—upon which the methodology was extended to further considerations for materials in CRYSTAL CLEAR: THE SELF-ACTUALIZATION MANUAL & GUIDE TO TOTAL AWARENESS. This “Crystal Clear” volume was originally intended as a “part two” of the “Tablets of Destiny” volume—separated only due to the sheer length of the material and Joshua Free’s desire to further refine the original “Crystal Clear Self-Defragmentation Program” into a fully Self-guided course textbook; even expanded to include three transcripts from lectures privately given in October 2019 to members of the NexGen Systemology Society (NSS) and included for the posterity of an International School of Systemology (ISS).

Tablets of Destiny: Using Ancient Wisdom to Unlock Human Potential by Joshua Free


In the past—during the time of the Ancient Mystery School—the issue of incremental learning and actualized experience was fully resolved with direct apprenticeships and supervision; but, in a world of home-study courses and readily obtainable books, it is often difficult to objectively gauge a person’s practical understanding—especially if little feedback is directed back to the Mardukite Offices. It is sometimes difficult to prepare the right materials to fit the specific needs of individuals across the board—and yet it seems that Joshua Free often accomplishes just that! As such, THE POWER OF ZU is pointedly prepared as a matter of clarification for those pursuing these matters independently of any other direct involvement with Mardukites, Systemology, mentoring within our organization or Systemology Piloting.





Filed under crystal clear, CyberVamps, events, Grade III, mardukite, mardukite systemology, mardukite zuism, mesopotamian neopaganism, news, research development, systemology, tablets of destiny, youtube

Tablets of Destiny, Mardukite Zuism and The Coming Race: Homo Novus of 21st Century

We are at the cusp of a new dawn for Human evolution–the Crystal Dawn for Humanity–the true Crystal Age that marks the greatest turning point for the state of the Human Condition that we will ever know in these lifetimes… As with any “New Age” come and gone, there are heralds, messengers and pioneers charged with the task to usher in these necessary changes. There are seeds and cells now waking up all over the planet–all over the cosmos–and it is time for us all to get real…

Mardukite Zuism : A Brief Introduction

“Spiritual development in modern Mardukite Zuism is referred to as the ‘Pathway to Self-Honesty’ and the ‘Gateway to Infinity.’ It is modeled directly from the Ancient Mystery Tradition observed at the Temples of Babylon. Communication of clear wisdom and true knowledge from Arcane Tablets is distorted as it passes through time and geography, diverse languages and authoritarian cultures using the ‘Power’ to program the masses and fragment the Human Condition away from Self-Honesty…”

So as to make the journey forth into the future simpler and more concise than ever before, following the recent release of “Tablets of Destiny: Using Ancient Wisdom to Unlock Human Potential” and “Crystal Clear: The Self-Actualization Manual”, Joshua Free released a concise booklet expertly presenting a summation of the most promising futurist religious movement of the 21st century!


The Pathway ahead has never been clearer. The word “ZU” meant “knowing” in original Sumerian cuneiform script. Goals and ideals of Mardukite Zuism and its NexGen Systemology reflect this. Mardukite Zuism seeks to assist an individual in reclaiming a realization of the True Self or “I-AM” as the ‘Immortal Spirit’, in line with a most ancient directive: to “Know Thyself.

In view of the fact that all modern Human are subjected to technologies depriving them of their freedoms to be, think, know and pursue truth: the goals and ideals of Mardukite Zuism are to effectively revive and repair abilities and certainties of the individual, which may be accomplished during this lifetime–and in such a way that could benefit the next, for we are dealing with the Eternal Spirit that supersedes all material existence.

Systemology: The Original Thesis by Joshua Free

Joshua Free first publicly launched “Mardukite Ministries” on the Summer Solstice, June 21, 2008. An active research division called the “Mardukite Chamberlains” was established in 2009, which developed and published a research library, most notably the “Mardukite Core” volumes and other revised reprints of founding texts by Joshua Free. A faction of these “Mardukite Chamberlains” was specifically dedicated to the recovery and consolidation of all relevant (for our purposes) historical, scriptural and ritual records of ancient Babylon and Mesopotamia…

Systemology: The Original Thesis by Joshua Free …a separate faction of the Mardukites also developed, emerging in late 2010 and then solidifying further underground in 2011 as the “NexGen Systemology Society” which began to research and develop methods to apply the ancient wisdom as a spiritual technology to awaken, unlock and fully actualize spiritual potential of the Human Condition. Many of these original discourses now appear in the collected-works introductory volume titled SYSTEMOLOGY: THE ORIGINAL THESIS.

Then, in 2019, Joshua Free released the first practical discoveries of “Mardukite Systemology” which now contributes applicable methods of spiritual technology that furthers the development of “Mardukite Zuism” as an effective “religious” and “spiritual” movement of the Crystal Age that promotes the spiritual advancement of ANYONE who is ready to awaken and rise above the standard issue programming of the Human Condition that has been accepted!

Tablets of Destiny: Using Ancient Wisdom to Unlock Human Potential

In the first official volume of Mardukite Systemology and its corresponding interpretation of Zuism, titled THE TABLETS OF DESTINY: USING ANCIENT WISDOM TO UNLOCK HUMAN POTENTIAL, Joshua Free explains how Ancient Babylonians used the Tablets of Destiny & Creation Epic to systematize all cosmic knowledge into a workable paradigm called “Mardukite Zuism”—a systemology received directly from the Anunnaki. More than that, he explains how it affects us even to this day–how it affects all of society–and describes the first steps toward making effective changes to the Human Condition toward the future evolution in Self-Honesty.

Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free In this amazing revolutionary account, we reveal how Marduk uses the Tablets of Destiny to discover “Self-Honesty” and the Divine Knowledge governing “Cosmic Ordering”–systems dividing the “Spiritual Universe” (AN) from the “Physical Universe” (KI). Wisdom from Tablets of Destiny are later passed down to and concealed by an ancient esoteric secret society in Babylon: the Scribes, High Priests and Priestesses of Mardukite Zuism.

SELF-HONESTY… is a term used to describe an original “Alpha” state of clear knowingness and Self-directed beingness. “Self-Honesty” is the most basic and true expression of Self as “I-AM”—free of artificial attachments; reactive-response conditioning; and imposed or enforced programming as Reality for the Human Condition.

The most recent and much anticipated installment that rounds off the Grade-III Mardukite Systemology Core (described within this blog) advances the work to the next level, providing the most comprehensive “Self-Help” methodology ever derived from Arcane Tablets. Joshua Free demonstrates how anyone can take control of their destiny and chart steps toward personal spiritual evolution. Here you may realize a new vision of potential for the Human Condition in Self-Honesty. Reclaim the freedom of the spirit and achieve Ascension in this lifetime with a manual of techniques and teachings so profound, that its effectiveness has been deemed “Crystal Clear.”

Crystal Clear : Joshua Free (Mardukite Systemology) Here is the original textbook for the revolutionary Self-Defragmentation Course previously only available directly from the Mardukite Offices…


The deepest meanings realized of the “Arcane Tablets” are only now being actualized toward a full application of a “futurist spiritual technology” for the first time in modern history. And as we travel this Pathway we are constantly reminded of how many elements on this journey are all too familiar–and realize that we have actually charted this adventure once before. But, of course we have–for this is, and always has been, the Adventure of Self.

With Joshua Free’s “Crystal Clear Self-Defragmentation Course” a Seeker may learn to free the Self from lower levels of personal fragmentation and programming; to apply Will-Intention to the fullest extent from outside lower “systems”; and live without regard of former fragmentation and erroneous programming concerning personal ability and responsibility accumulated during this lifetime. The way out is always the way through; not avoidance, neglect or indifference–which only mark a path to ignorance.

When a Seeker attains actualized Awareness outside of physical existence, therein alone lies the true personality of the Spirit, the individuated “I” that is Self. This is the state of Self free of worldly fragmentation. The Seeker has extended the reach of Awareness and the ability (and responsibility) of Self-direction from the point of WILL as Cause in the Universe, rising above lower planes of Effect and Desire!

Joshua Free Publishing Imprint representing Mardukite Research Organization

Joshua Free Publishing Imprint representing Mardukite Research Organization

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Filed under babylonian, crystal clear, Grade III, joshua free imprint, mardukite, mardukite systemology, mardukite zuism, news, nexgen, research development, systemology, tablets of destiny

Tablets of Destiny : Transfer of Divine Power and Responsibility, Systemology of Babylonian Zuism

For over a decade, the work of Joshua Free and a vast network of underground organizations functioning under the banner of Mardukite Ministries have led Seekers toward a very specific destination. Our entire methodology is based on a very specific premise: that Ancient Babylonians used the TABLETS OF DESTINY & Epic of Creation (Enuma Elis) to systematize all cosmic knowledge into a workable paradigm called “Mardukite Zuism”—a systemology received directly from the ANUNNAKI.

Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free Discover the amazing revelations presented in the first official Mardukite Systemology publication (Liber-One) titled:

Using Ancient Wisdom to Unlock Human Potential

by Joshua Free

Available in Hardcover and Paperback!

In the Babylonian “Epic of Creation” the Anunnaki god Marduk uses the TABLETS OF DESTINY to discover “Self-Honesty” and the Divine Knowledge governing “Cosmic Ordering”—systems dividing the “Spiritual Universe” (AN) from the “Physical Universe” (KI). The two universes are connected only by a stream of Spiritual Awareness Lifeforce that Sumerians called ZU. Wisdom from TABLETS OF DESTINY are later passed down to and concealed by an ancient esoteric secret society in Babylon: the Scribes, High Priests and Priestesses of Mardukite Zuism.

“Our goal is not to directly and specifically repair existing fractured, fragmented—or otherwise aberrated—paradigms and institutionalized systems of belief. Our emphasis is on actualizing the individual spirit, empowered as its original, proper—or, alpha—state of Self. To successfully accomplish this journey in our times, just as we have seen in many instances of “Ascended Masters” in the past, we cannot rely on the programming we perceive from our environment or by any specific paradigms erupting as imitative examples to figures in the past who have previously traveled this Pathway to Self-Honesty.”
–Joshua Free, The Tablets of Destiny

Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free The philosopher Seneca recommends that we “use our highest efforts,” and however cattle-like our programmed nature, “we should not follow the herd of those that go before” or we will “go not where we should go, but where they go.” Then he advises that: “Since every man chooses to believe rather than evaluate, Life is then never brought to a scrutiny—credulity has always the ascendant. The error handed down from Father to Son embraces our Thoughts in its mazes—we headlong into it. In a phrase: it is the dull infatuation of being led by the examples of others, that exposes us to ruin.” — Paraphrasing from John Toland’s PANTHEISTICON, originally published in 1720—reproduced in a special edition enhanced by Joshua Free.

-1- Tablets of Destiny: Using Ancient Wisdom to Unlock Human Potential (Announcement)
-2- Forbidden Knowledge: Tablets of Destiny, Lost Mesopotamian Wisdom Tradition Revealed!
-3- Tablets of Destiny: New Spiritual Technology to Evolve Humanity based on Ancient Mardukite Zuism
-4- Spiritual Technology Discovered from Mesopotamian Tablets of Destiny: Mardukite Zuism Develops

Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free Joshua Free explains in TABLETS OF DESTINY: “Empowerment is equivalent to responsibility—our “ability” to “respond,” or else enact change. We may execute this power only to the degree that we maintain understanding and Awareness of it—and no further. We do not exceed the point we do not fully understand as Self in our personal development and spiritual evolution—no matter how many fancy word-games and databanks of semantics we may attach to further communications of Reality we are experiencing.”

RESPONSIBILITY : “the ability to respond; the extent of mobilizing power and understanding an individual maintains as Awareness to enact change; the proactive ability to Self-direct and make decisions independent of an outside authority.”

It seems little wonder why humanity would lose its sense of power when it has come to fear it and treat all “responsibility” as a “bad thing” or another grudging chore to behold—when in fact, responsibility is equivalent to, and a necessary condition of, our known faculties of creating changes that lead up to our ultimate goals and a true evolution of the Spirit as Self via spiritual technologies. This fear might be easily squashed with adequate education and preparedness—earning the individual some tools and experience to build the confidence necessary to wield awesome power of the TABLETS OF DESTINY

Tablets of Destiny: Using Ancient Wisdom to Unlock Human Potential by Joshua Free

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Filed under babylonian, Grade III, mardukite, mardukite systemology, mardukite zuism, mesopotamian, nexgen, research development, sumerian, systemology, tablets of destiny

Sumerian Rituals, Babylonian Magic and the Rise of Modern Mesopotamian Neopaganism

“Here [in Babylon] is real death. Not a column or arch still stands to demonstrate the permanency of human work. Everything has crumbled to dust. The very temple tower, the most imposing of all these ancient constructions, has entirely lost its shape. Where are now its seven stages? We see nothing but a mound of earth – all that remains of the millions of its bricks. Here the ancient mysteries and their tombs have been sleeping quietly for millenniums. In a few months, perhaps in a few days, the ground will be broken by trenches as in a battlefield. And the repose of the poor dead will be disturbed by the frantic search for records and data…”
~ Edward Chiera, “They Wrote On Clay”
From a letter to his wife

Before Babylon—when history had not yet been written—the land now known to modern man as the “Middle East” was first occupied by “gods” of antiquity—the Anunnaki. These super-human figures molded and shaped human consciousness and the systematized civilization we so easily take for granted in the “Western World” today. The wheel of time forced the age of “gods” to become an era of “men” and their ways, but the ancient foundations built in Mesopotamia remain strong among us today.

Don’t miss the 10th Anniversary reissue of the amazing modern esoteric library of Mesopotamian Neopaganism developed by the “Mardukite Research Organization” now rewritten, revised and updated in the newly restored alternative-paperback edition of the MARDUKITE CORE.

Classical period Greeks may be credited with the term: Mesopotamia—meaning “A land between two rivers.” More literal than poetic, the title accurately describes the region known to the ancients as Babylonia—the “Land of the Gates of the Gods” and the “City of Star-Gates” established primarily between two rivers—the Tigris and the Euphrates. Today, the term Babylonia is used to distinguish post-Sumerian empires maintained by Babylonian kings, a lineage made famous by Hammurabi, the powerful “Mardukite” systematizer of Babylon.

Commonly compared to the fertile Nile region of Egypt, Mesopotamia is also a river-delta system—and, like the Nile to the Egyptians, this system of life-giving waters proved to be inseparable from prosperity of the people. The plain was cultivated successfully by use of the first “aqueduct-irrigation” systems. Accurate construction and upkeep of these canals were vital to keep Babylonia habitable in all seasons.

Mystics of every age go forth explaining an almost quantum vision of reality and existence: entangled, interconnected—All-as-One. While this might seem a truly obscure approach to crossing the current threshold of what is typically deemed an “academic” topic; it is not. Consider for a moment that our mythic past is very much rooted in truth—albeit misunderstood but a truth that has been conveniently, or forcefully, forgotten among mass awareness.

Politics and the general human condition evolving outside of the Ancient Mystery School have, throughout history, taken its toll on accounts of said truth, as becomes quite evident concerning the history of the geographic region known as Mesopotamia. Humans, accepting a mortal paradigm, are unaware of one critical aspect of the cosmos—one that they can not see based on limited perceptions and reality experiences schematized by semantic labeling—that Universal Truth is actually unchanging. Some have even put forth to call it “Cosmic Law.”

In spite of the best (or worst) human efforts across time, the Truth has survived to remind us of our origins, to instruct us on where we have to go and perhaps, most importantly, the standards we should live by to get there. Mere survival of Secret Doctrines by select cabals is not enough. For as the world was once plummeted into Dark Ages only to be reincarnated in an Age of Enlightenment, the “esoteric” truth did not resurface in public “exoteric” consciousness—in fact, it went the other direction: underground and into vaults of obscure “occult” factions.



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