Tag Archives: guardians of the gates

Ancient Mardukite Prophecies Fulfilled! 2017 New Year, New Babylon Rises! Nabu Gate & Marduk Temple


“In my city of Babylon — the Gateway of the Gods — my prophet-son resides, my hand he grasps. The King & Prophet enter as New Babylon Rises. In my city before me, my Temple shall be erected anew. In my city — in my temple — the ‘Temple Like a Mountain’ shall be renewed. The Dur-An-Ki plans are set. Until the End-of-Days, I shall be there in the ‘House in the Heights’ and at the End-of-Ages, my Stargate will be opened…”
–The Marduk Prophecies c.2017 BC

templemardukmodel Many chronicles exist of ancient Mesopotamia from cuneiform tablet annals and interpretations brought to the public from the Mardukite Research Organization & Publishing Group… but our efforts have never been restricted to purely academic or literary ventures. Complimenting the offbeat off-the-wall approach taken by our official spokesman, NABU JOSHUA FREE, our unique non-secular non-sectarian “organization” has conducted many esoteric occult and covert “experiments” in global reform, blatantly since 2008.

One such cumulative effort is the reestablishment of a New Babylon Rising — and here we are in the 40th Year of the New Age of Marduk (begun in 1977). We are in the same circumstances now, in 21st Century AD as we once were in the 21st Century BC and above all, the prophetic raising of the Marduk Temple and Nabu Gate for a New Age — a New Babylon Rising — is now upon us!


JUNE 2016Summer Solstice and 8th Anniversary of Mardukite Ministries — a late-model winnebago RV was obtained by the Mardukite Research Organization from SF Bay (Cali) to establish a mobile office for the Mardukite Publishing Company in addition to the NABU GATE & LIBRARY to a very real and physical MARDUK TEMPLE SANCTUARY for a New Babylonian Rising.

And this is only the beginning…


Mardukite Spokesman, NABU JOSHUA FREE and domestic partner CyberVamps DJ KYRA KAOS spent the entire Summer 2016 reconditioning the interior and exterior of the Mardukite RV to meet personal specifications for the Mardukite Office and the aqua blue hue appearance expected of a Marduk Temple.

templemardukshowcase During this reconstruction, citizens of Englewood Colorado and the EPD (Englewood Police Department) were less than tolerant of our work, in spite of our civic respectfulness. At one juncture, JOSHUA FREE was threatened by Englewood Police Department with imprisonment if the Marduk Temple were found on Englewood streets again. In spite of the posted signage indicating the work as a World Heritage Project, this fascist trend is expected to rise in Colorado as the influence of Denver’s Urban Camping Ban spreads.


Plans are still being developed for the NATIONAL MARDUKITE NEXGENCON scheduled for the August 2017 eclipse at Carhenge, Nebraska following a Wizards of the Wasteland spiritual retreat in the South Dakota Badlands. The Mardukite Nabu Gate & Temple of Marduk is expected to be the centralized icon of this event.

Further plans are in development for 2017 to acquire rural land designated as a NexGen Sanctuary for the future New Babylon Rising and of course, the Marduk Temple. The emphasis and purpose of this Sanctuary is to provide for the continued existence of Mardukite Chamberlains activities and survival of the Library of Nabu-Tutu archives for posterity.



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Filed under CyberVamps, events, mardukite, mardukite publishing group, modern occultism, new babylon, news, nexgen, plans & proposals, prophecies & predictions, research development, systemology, truth seeker press

Mesopotamian Magic, Rites and Rituals of Eridu, Sumerian Anunnaki in Babylonian System


Through Marduk, the power of Eridu – incantation-prayer – was taught to the scribes of Nabu and the Mardukite Priests, who were taught to attract and compel the ‘gods’ in the name of Marduk, always incanting the word-formula of the highest order: Nabu invoked by way of the name of Marduk; Marduk invoked by way of the name of Enki, Our Father, who in turn would invoke by the name of Anu – and so was born the concept of magical hierarchies, an ideal that was convoluted and obscured when employed later (during the Middle Ages and such), particularly distorted by the Judeo-Christian paradigm as evident in many popular grimoires…
~ NABU, Joshua Free, The Book of Marduk by Nabu (2010)

Gates3rdEdfrontcropMINI This mardukite.com blog is officially excerpted from the Liber-51/52 materials recently released in the NEW mardukite.com exclusive edition of the GATES OF THE NECRONOMICON anthology edited by Joshua Free. These materials are also available as Mesopotamian Religion by Joshua Free or Sumerian Religion II.

Many version of Erudite magic may be found through the Mesopotamian ‘spiritual’ (or ‘magical’) cuneiform texts. The incantation tablets from the ‘Mardukite’ Babylonian Anunnaki tradition, specifically those used and forged by scribe-priests of the Order of Nabu, are invoked from the ‘perspective’ (authority) of NABU – as was the tradition learned verbatim from MARDUK. In both scholarly and esoteric ‘Mardukite’ texts, the ‘Opening Ritual’ of Mardukite magic is derived from the source titled: “The Incantation of Eridu.”

cuneisdgsdg Perhaps the most fundamental ‘formula’ of the magical system in Babylonia, if there is one, goes back to the heart of the system born of the scribe-priests and the figures who brought this system about – NABU and the appropriation of his father, MARDUK as the chief director. This is the spiritual acknowledgment alluded to by the Incantation of Eridu, also known as the ‘Incantation of the Priest of Eridu’ (Eridu being the shrine-home of ENKI), or the ‘Incantation of the Deep‘, which simply refers to another name for the far-away abode of ENKI near the Persian Gulf.

Ceremonial activation of the ‘birthright’ of Anunnaki power sealed in Eridu (and then in Babylon) allows a practitioner to assume the representative form of the “Priest of Eridu,” a title first bestowed
upon MARDUK by ENKI, then passed onto NABU during the solidification and heights of the Babylonian era. The esoteric key in effect here is that the priest conducts the incantations (ceremony) as the embodiment of an intermediary ‘messenger’ deity – the original semantic of the word “invocation” – thereby directing the cosmic (world) order, in essence, first hand.

MesopotamianReligionFrontcrop In short – the magician approaches his deity as himself – a servant priest – and petitions to assume the godform, whereby he continues the ceremony as a divine representation of the god ‘invoked’. An almost identical principle appears within Semitic mysticism and the Judeo-Kabbalah – an excellent example being found in contemporary Catholicism, when the priest ‘assumes the Christ-form‘ to effectively perform a perceived alchemical transmutation on the sacramental bread and wine, conducted as a representative of Jesus on earth, in imitation (dramatic reenactment) of the ‘Last Supper’.

In the ‘Mardukite’ system observed in Babylon, the god being invoked is MARDUK. This is affirmed with the priest’s first utterance of : “It is not I, but Marduk, who speaks the incantation.” And from then on the system is sealed and readied for use by the Mardukite devotee. Consider the lines in this conjuration, adapted from the Mardukite “Conjuration of the Fire God:

It is not I, but Marduk, Slayer of Serpents, Who summons thee.
It is not I, but Enki, Father of Magicians, Who calls thee here now.

SumerianReligion2crop As described, the ritual34 operates as if from the perspective of NABU (speaking for MARDUK). Though variations exist across the opening lines of several Assyrian “exorcisms,” one key tablet example – translated by R.C. Thompson as his Tablet N for “Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia” (1903) – relates:

The Priest of E.A. [Enki] am I.
The priest of Damkina [Ninki] am I.
The messenger [Nabu] of Marduk am I.
My spell is the spell of E.A [Enki].
My incantation is the incantation of Marduk.
The ‘magic circle’ of EA [Enki] is in my hand.
The tamarask, in my hand, I hold.

From the modernized Mardukite version:

I am the Priest of Marduk, Son of Our Father, Enki.
I am the Priest of Eridu and the Magician of Babylon.

The Assyrian version continues humbly as follows:

EA [Enki], King of the Deep see me favorably.
I, the magician, am thy slave.
March thou on my right hand, assist me on my left;
Add thy pure spell to mine.
Add thy pure voice to mine.
O god that blesses me, Marduk,
Let me be blessed, wherever my path rests.
Thy power, shall god and man proclaim.
And I too, the magician, thy slave.

Gates3rdEdfrontcropMINI Returning to a an older version, transliterated by E.A. Budge for “Babylonian Life & History” (1883), we see a different method used toward petitioning the “younger pantheon” to the side of the priest.

I am the Priest of EA [Enki].
I am the Magician of Eridu.
Shammash [Samas] is before me.
Sin [Nanna] is behind me.
Nergal is at my right hand.
Ninurta is at my left hand.

And to this, the Mardukite version appends:

Anu, above me, King of Heaven.
Enki, below me, King of the Deep.
The power [blood] of Marduk is within me.
It is not I, but Marduk, who performs the incantation.

259202494_2439cd36a1_o2 The priest mystically sheds the ‘mortal spark, even if for a moment, to experience the transcendental magic clad in godhood. Rising on the planes of perceptual awareness – as a god, speaking on behalf of the chief of the pantheon – the priest-magician is now able to influence worldly affairs in the original and most direct magical means known on the planet – a direct interface with the gods as one of their own…

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Modern Babylonian Mardukites Celebrate 5th Anniversary of 2009 Beltane Anunnaki Stargate of Marduk


Five years ago, the Mardukite Chamberlains, a division of the Mardukite Research Organization, set out to change the world. What they did… became historical… a modern legacy… a modern mythology… A New Babylon sparked by a new tradition born of the most ancient tablet writings — the origins of modern human civilization, beliefs, culture, technology and spirituality…

1001015_318340804969022_2026839541_n Archival information regarding the 2009 Beltane Mardukite Stargate Opening Ceremony appear in the most recent edition of New Babylon Rising: Guardian of The Gates titled: The Gatekeepers Guide to the Mardukite Materials & Chamberlains Chronicles. The following excerpts the article and YouTube video series titled: “How to Open a Stargate on Beltane 2009” written/hosted by Joshua Free.

Most people are aware that the times in which we live are ultimately unique. We are nearing the “End of Days” – although this is not necessarily something cataclysmic and many will not live to see it entirely through anyway. For those who are bound to their material systems and worldly glamour – well, it will indeed be the “end of the world.” For those who have prepared in self-honesty and have learned the true knowledge, then there is no fear. Fear will only undo you. Forget the names you may have read in the grimoires of old – the true demons are Fear, Grief, Loss, Jealousy, Anger, Violence, Lust… indeed, you know of what I speak.

Chroniclesfrontcrop There is a source beyond this Universe, but we are sensually removed from that into this world of Darkness that permeates throughout the Universe and continues to spread. The Mystic Knights are not weaker, we are simply outnumbered and are in a position of seemingly being ever defensive and on-guard in this world. The Darkness does not have to do this. It never questions its own nature – never questions if what it does is “right.” The Darkness simply is.

The powers of “Marduk”/“Merodach” as the ‘Michael Current’ are to be returned to him at this dawn of a brave new world – a New Babylon – a perfection of the zionistic ideal that is already prophetically described in various forms, symbols and systemologies. This process has already begun. In a few short week of writing this lecture, the very first Babylonian AKITI “New Year” Spring Festival will be observed by the Mardukite Chamberlains when the traditional zodiacal observation of the solar sign of Aries (The Sign of Marduk) is observed on the Spring Equinox, March 21. This will be a monumental debut event consecrating the founding of the Mardukite Chamberlains under the Council of Nabu-Tutu.

mardukitemgkthumbb For Beltane (Bel-teine; Fires of Marduk) this year, we will be banding together self-appointed ‘Mardukites’ from all over the world to conduct a synchronized “opening” of the ‘Marduk Gate‘ (from neo-Babylonian mystical operations). In normal workings, this is done alone, discreetly, and is closed at the end of the rite. For Beltane 2009, the Gate will be strongly thrust open by many dedicates and left open to all until the End of Days!

The evening of April 30 (May’s Eve) is potentially the most powerful time for this time of Gate-working from “our” side – existing opposite the famous ‘Samhain’/’Halloween’ threshold. The proverbial ‘key’ to the dimensions opens daily when the “Great Bear” hangs ‘from its tail’, but it appears most significantly at Beltane when it occurs just before the esoteric midnight threshold. This Beltane, on April 30, falls on the Sixth Day of the Moon and the Gate opens at approximately 11:30 PM. According to ‘Simon’/Peter Levenda:

“Pluto continues to rise at 11:30 PM on Beltane this year. Jupiter and Neptune ate conjunct in Aquarius, giving rise to spiritual insights, illumination and energy for ‘Walking on the Stars’…”

So, get this: Gaga/Pluto stands as gate-messenger again; nothing new. But, Jupiter (Marduk) and Neptune (Ia/Ea/Enki) meet up in Aquarius – the sign of the “Lord of the Waters of Life” and the sign of our “New Age” aeon!!! Can you say: ‘family reunion’???

Modern Mardukite Memoir

by Joshua Free

2014 — A mardukite.com exclusive edition!
The materials of the Mardukites and Systemology represent a new foundation of thought for the next generation, a progressive Stairway to Heaven and the actualization of the self that has been embedded — hidden — within the very basis of existence and the most ancient wisdom teachings on the planet Earth.


Filed under akkadian, ancient esoterica, ancient near east, assyrian, babylonian, excerpt, excerpt, magick & mysticism, mardukite, mesopotamian, modern occultism, new babylon, new release, new release, nexgen, plans & proposals, prophecies & predictions, research development, sumerian, systemology, truth seeker press, youtube

NEW RELEASE! mardukite.com exclusive edition – Gatekeepers Guide to the Materials & Chamberlains Chronicle


The materials of the Mardukites and Systemology represent a new foundation of thought for the next generation, a progressive Stairway to Heaven and the actualization of the self that has been embedded — hidden — within the very basis of existence and the most ancient wisdom teachings on the planet Earth.

NOW POSSIBLE for the first time ever, a written record encompassing over half of a decade of research and development, the Mardukite Truth Seeker Press is proud to present this special premiere printing and mardukite.com online exclusive edition of:

Chroniclesfrontcrop The Gatekeepers Guide to the Materials
& Chamberlains Chronicles:
A Modern Mardukite Memoir,

New Babylon Rising: Guardians of the Gates
(2008-2013 NexGen Legacy Scrapbook Edition)

edited by Joshua Free
with contributions from the Mardukite Chamberlains

ONLY $9.99 This amazing oversized economical edition is a 178 page fully illustrated companion that reads like a diary accounting for a public record of five years research and development online through the necrogate blog at mardukite.com, over three hundred YouTube videos, countless radio interviews and appearances through journeys stretching from the west coast to the east, there and back again and revealed to all in this gratuitous mardukite.com online exclusive!

mardukite_nabu_council_double_ankh_project_log MARDUKITE MINISTRIES was founded on the Summer Solstice of 2008 in Denver, Colorado, by Joshua Free. A functional division for initiate participation later launched in early 2009 called the Mardukite Chamberlains, an extension of the original ‘Council of Nabu-Tutu’ formed for the explicit purpose of uncovering and interpreting the wisdom and knowledge able to be gleaned about our world from the most ancient writings on the planet… cuneiform tablets. What later resulted is of ‘epic proportions’ resulting in dozens of literary editions now enjoyed by thousands of people all over the planet!

Chroniclesfrontcrop After more than five years of intensive research and development, the Mardukite Chamberlains have brought the ‘Mardukite Core’ — a revolutionary cycle of literary materials — to a close, sealed with this commemoration of thousands upon thousands of man-hours spent in radically launching an underground legacy that has touched deeply the lives of many and will continue to grow and develop by its own program as its reach spreads and expands, enriching the lives, minds and spirit of new evolutionary beings every day!

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