Tag Archives: biofeedback

Systemology — ‘New Standard’ Mardukite Ascension Courses presented by Joshua Free

The Joshua Free Imprint (JFI Publishing), in conjunction with the Mardukite Academy and the Systemology Society, presents the greatest spiritual breakthrough of the 21st century for all humanity! — A ‘New Standard’ of Systemology that provides ‘The Way Out’ from the bottom to the top, perfectly communicated for all Seekers to discover and explore — and ultimately achieve Ascended Mastery for themselves.

Everything you need is contained in three progressive self-guiding courses:
“Fundamentals of Systemology” (Basic Course),
“The Pathway to Ascension” (Professional/Standard Course), and
“Keys to the Kingdom” (Advanced Training Course).

Course materials — for all three courses combined — are available either in five hardcover volumes or as thirty-three individual lesson-booklets.

The Fundamentals of Systemology Basic Course is available in one volume or as six individual lessons.

Basic Course Lesson 1Being More Than Human
Basic Course Lesson 2Realities In Agreement
Basic Course Lesson 3Windows To Experience
Basic Course Lesson 4Ancient Systemology
Basic Course Lesson. 5A History of Systemology
Basic Course Lesson. 6Systemology Processing
6-in-1 hardcover — Fundamentals of Systemology

The Pathway to Ascension standard Professional Course is available in two hardcover volumes or as sixteen individual lessons. Each of the two volumes contains eight lessons.
PC Lesson 1Increasing Awareness (Level 0)
PC Lesson 2Thought and Emotion (Level 0)
PC Lesson 3Clear Communication (Level 0)
PC Lesson 4Handling Humanity (Level 1)
PC Lesson 5Free Your Spirit (Level 2)
PC Lesson. 6Escaping Spirit-Traps (Level 2)
PC Lesson. 7Eliminating Barriers (Level 3)
PC Lesson 8Conquest of Illusion (Level 3)
8-in-1 hardcoverThe Pathway to Ascension (Volume One) (Level 0 to 3)

PC Lesson 9 — Confronting the Past (Level 4)
PC Lesson 10 — Lifting the Veils (Level 4)
PC Lesson 11 — Spiritual Implants (Level 5)
PC Lesson 12 — Games and Universes (Level 5)
PC Lesson 13 — Spiritual Energy (Level 6)
PC Lesson 14 — Spiritual Machinery (Level 6)
PC Lesson 15 — The Arcs of Infinity (Level 6)
PC Lesson 16 — Alpha Thought (Level 6)
8-in-1 hardcover — The Pathway to Ascension (Volume Two) (Level 4 to 6)

The Keys to the Kingdom Advanced Training (A.T.) Course is available in two hardcover volumes or as eight individual manuals (plus three supplemental lessons). Each of the two volumes contains four A.T. manuals (plus supplements).
A.T. 1 — The Secret of Universes (Level 7)
A.T. 2 — Games, Goals and Purposes (Level 7)
A.T. 3 — The Jewel of Knowledge (Level 7)
A.T. 4 — Implanted Universes (Level 7)
Supplement — Systemology Biofeedback
Supplement — Systemology Procedures
4+-in-1 hardcover — Keys to the Kingdom (Volume One) (Level 7)

A.T. 5 — Entities and Fragments (Level 8)
A.T. 6 — Spiritual Perception (Level 8)
A.T. 7 — Mastering Ascension (Level 8)
A.T. 8 — Advancing Systemology (Level 8)
Supplement — Systemology Piloting
4+-in-1 hardcover — Keys to the Kingdom (Volume Two) (Level 8)

(All titles are available from your favorite bookseller.)


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Filed under advanced training course, basic course, grade v, Grade VI, Grade VII, joshua free imprint, mardukite academy, mardukite systemology, mardukite zuism, new release, new standard systemology, news, nexgen, professional course, research development, systemology, systemology society, youtube

“I WILL — therefore, I AM” : Unlocking the Power of Self-Direction, Determinism & Intention with Mardukite Zuism Systemology

Rene Descartes (French Philosopher 1596-1650) once wrote: “I think, therefore I am”—and suddenly a modern pursuit of EPISTEMOLOGY, which is really the most ancient philosophical pursuit, sprung back into being.

epistemology : a school of philosophy focused on the truth of knowledge and knowledge of truth; theories regarding validity and truth inherent in any structure of knowledge and reason

It remained alone in the field of philosophy because it could not be adequately systematized using physical sciences.

systematization : to arrange into systems; to systematize or make systematic.

Tablets of Destiny by Joshua Free Therefore, society has never been able to definitively establish proof of Human understanding of anything—only a shadow of truth which is contained in a continuity of vocabulary and semantics applied to causal reason and logic and cosmic ordering (sequence) that is observed within an acceptance of that “beta” paradigm only. (In Mardukite Zuism & Systemology, “beta” is a reference to the material order of the Physical Universe.)

[This Mardukite Zuism Systemology blog post is excerpted from the article “The Power of Self-Direction, Will & Intention” from the book “Crystal Clear” (Liber-2B) by Joshua Free. Also available in the Grade-III anthology, The Systemology Handbook.]

Modern “Psychology” made an attempt to break away from the philosophical schools to become an empirical/physical science, but it failed in its original mission, purpose and function to systematize the Mind-System and consciousness.

consciousness : the energetic flow of Awareness; the Principle System of Awareness that is spiritual in nature, which demonstrates potential interaction with all degrees of the Physical Universe; the Beingness component of our existence in Spirit; the Principle System of Awareness as Spirit that directs action in the Mind-System.

And as an entity, in the “Third Sphere of Existence” (organized social systems/“groups and societies”) the sciences failed in its efforts to actualize this for all humanity. Fragmentation set in; a downward spiral of Awareness began. Now we are left with an uncertain physical science of the physical brain.

Crystal Clear : Joshua Free (Mardukite Systemology) The fields of mysticism, magic, spirituality and traditional religion all tried to establish a firm hold on the “Third Sphere of Existence” (and Circle of Influence) yet used techniques and methods that could only be realized in the “First Sphere” unless otherwise directed by enforcement and threat of punishment. This is where most of the fragmented Human Effort of the last several millennium has left the state of things. Former lesson-chapters subsequently worked through an understanding of basic methods a Seeker might take—by themselves unassisted—to realize cumulatively higher actualization of Self.

There are numerous additional applications that demonstrate Processing at each of these former domains—but here a Seeker is given a crash-course on fundamentals. These are sufficient enough to develop subsequent applications “cycle” or pass through the “Crystal Clear” Self-Defragmentation Program—of which it is assumed you may require several cycles of working through our “workbook” (quite appropriately named “Crystal Clear”).

At each level of holistic application, the way forward on the Pathway all inclusively takes on many styles that seem reminiscent to other associated methods: appearing at times like an exercise regimen; at others, a day in the life at a spiritual retreat; and then, when we start working with WILL (at “5.0” on our Standard Model) it starts to seem a bit more like “magic” because we are working on a level just across the “veil,” exterior to the (Beta)-Physical Universe-(KI) that we identify any frequencies in.

“Communication and Control of Energy & Power: The Magic of Will & Intention” (Liber-2C) by Joshua Free

The application of personal WILL on the ZU-line (at “5.0” on our Standard Model) is beyond, outside or exterior to the Physical Universe (KI) and all measuring devices used in beta to calculate expressions of “ZU” (Spiritual Life Awareness Energy).


It is beyond even the “thought waves” that are measured on an EEG—which is only an approximation for graphic calculations of “beta-consciousness activity” (between “2.1” and “4.0” on our Standard Model).

thought-wave or wave-form : a proactive Self-directed action or reactive-response action of consciousness; the process of thinking as demonstrated in wave-form; the activity of Awareness within the range of thought vibrations/frequencies on the existential Life-continuum or ZU-line.

There are “biofeedback” devices that can evaluate “state-change” as it applies to emotional reactive-responses (below “2.0” on our Standard Model) when the “RCC” (Reactive Control Center) is directly engaged—but again, there is no known device or means within our technology that pertains directly to WILL; only the effects of WILL as it travels down the frequencies of a ZU-line in beta-existence.

biomagnetic/biofeedback : a measurable effect, such as a change in electrical resistance, that is produced by thoughts, emotions and physical behaviors which generate specific ‘neurotransmitters’ and biochemical reactions in the brain, body and across the skin surface.


CyberVamps CyberGoth DJs Mardukite Zuism Systemology

…This is why, if Cause is not determined to be Self-determined, we can never be absolutely sure what the nature of any Cause is—that is to say, regarding the world we are seeing and interacting with as a Physical Universe (KI).

THE SYSTEMOLOGY HANDBOOK (Complete Grade-III Master Edition Hardcover)

WILL (5.0) is Self-Awareness of directing Alpha Thought (6.0) into a creative expression (below 5.0). The Self as Alpha Spirit (7.0) is the “Cause” of WILL (5.0).

WILL (5.0) is the Self-Awareness of Potential Infinite-Manifestation of the ALL (7.0) realized as beta-expression under LAW (4.0).

The Self (as the Alpha-Spirit) is only the Prime Cause:

a) when in its inherent natural-spiritual state, fully actualized; or
b) when the ZU-line connecting Awareness to a beta-existence is completely defragmented in Self-Honesty.

These are no slight conditions—but they are attainable…

The first (a): actualized while exterior to the “body”—and
The second (b): actualized while occupying a beta-existence.

The second is achieved while placing focus on the first.
Realizing the first will Actualize the second.

For the Alpha Spirit to actualize its own expression as a condensation down the ZU-line, it must be Self-directed. Any form of beta-fragmentation will greatly inhibit this free and total expression in the Physical Universe (KI). For one: it will not be fully actualized with full Effort down the chain in beta-existence, if it is not clearly expressed at its inception (as Will-Intention).


There are other forms of fragmentation even at the Alpha levels of existence, but for us to “Return to Source” via our ascent back up the Pathway to Self-Honesty, we are most concerned with the fragmentation that has occurred either in the current lifetime that the Seeker is occupying—or if possible, even including the “genetic memory” that is stored in the genetic organism even prior to be commandeered by the Alpha Spirit.

Once the way has been cleared through all beta levels, only then should a Seeker start to apply attention directly to any spiritual fragmentation. It can otherwise become quite enamoring and pose a distraction away from actually achieving the necessary beta results ahead of it.

A strong, clearly managed, Self-determined WILL (5.0) is the fundamental key that underlies all spiritual, mystical and magical Mastery. It should not be a surprise that Self-Mastery and Mastery of all of the other “Spheres of Existence and Circles of Influence/Reach” are to be attained via the same route. Thousands of years of esoteric and mystical renderings already have suggested this to us—but former use has not necessarily led to solidity as a true realization. This is one of the reasons why restricting pursuit of Self-Actualization to any former methods emphasizing one mythological or conceptual paradigm in exclusion all others has not provided optimum effects. This is to be the case especially now in the 21st Century when we have access to the most ancient and holistic demonstrations of Mardukite Babylon and Mardukite Systemology at our disposal.

There is no going back now that these new heights for the Human Condition have been realized for the future.


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Filed under babylonian, command of mind-body, communication and control, crystal clear, CyberVamps, Grade III, Grade IV, mardukite, mardukite systemology, mardukite zuism, systemology, tablets of destiny