Tag Archives: systemology procedures

Systemology — ‘New Standard’ Mardukite Ascension Courses presented by Joshua Free

The Joshua Free Imprint (JFI Publishing), in conjunction with the Mardukite Academy and the Systemology Society, presents the greatest spiritual breakthrough of the 21st century for all humanity! — A ‘New Standard’ of Systemology that provides ‘The Way Out’ from the bottom to the top, perfectly communicated for all Seekers to discover and explore — and ultimately achieve Ascended Mastery for themselves.

Everything you need is contained in three progressive self-guiding courses:
“Fundamentals of Systemology” (Basic Course),
“The Pathway to Ascension” (Professional/Standard Course), and
“Keys to the Kingdom” (Advanced Training Course).

Course materials — for all three courses combined — are available either in five hardcover volumes or as thirty-three individual lesson-booklets.

The Fundamentals of Systemology Basic Course is available in one volume or as six individual lessons.

Basic Course Lesson 1Being More Than Human
Basic Course Lesson 2Realities In Agreement
Basic Course Lesson 3Windows To Experience
Basic Course Lesson 4Ancient Systemology
Basic Course Lesson. 5A History of Systemology
Basic Course Lesson. 6Systemology Processing
6-in-1 hardcover — Fundamentals of Systemology

The Pathway to Ascension standard Professional Course is available in two hardcover volumes or as sixteen individual lessons. Each of the two volumes contains eight lessons.
PC Lesson 1Increasing Awareness (Level 0)
PC Lesson 2Thought and Emotion (Level 0)
PC Lesson 3Clear Communication (Level 0)
PC Lesson 4Handling Humanity (Level 1)
PC Lesson 5Free Your Spirit (Level 2)
PC Lesson. 6Escaping Spirit-Traps (Level 2)
PC Lesson. 7Eliminating Barriers (Level 3)
PC Lesson 8Conquest of Illusion (Level 3)
8-in-1 hardcoverThe Pathway to Ascension (Volume One) (Level 0 to 3)

PC Lesson 9 — Confronting the Past (Level 4)
PC Lesson 10 — Lifting the Veils (Level 4)
PC Lesson 11 — Spiritual Implants (Level 5)
PC Lesson 12 — Games and Universes (Level 5)
PC Lesson 13 — Spiritual Energy (Level 6)
PC Lesson 14 — Spiritual Machinery (Level 6)
PC Lesson 15 — The Arcs of Infinity (Level 6)
PC Lesson 16 — Alpha Thought (Level 6)
8-in-1 hardcover — The Pathway to Ascension (Volume Two) (Level 4 to 6)

The Keys to the Kingdom Advanced Training (A.T.) Course is available in two hardcover volumes or as eight individual manuals (plus three supplemental lessons). Each of the two volumes contains four A.T. manuals (plus supplements).
A.T. 1 — The Secret of Universes (Level 7)
A.T. 2 — Games, Goals and Purposes (Level 7)
A.T. 3 — The Jewel of Knowledge (Level 7)
A.T. 4 — Implanted Universes (Level 7)
Supplement — Systemology Biofeedback
Supplement — Systemology Procedures
4+-in-1 hardcover — Keys to the Kingdom (Volume One) (Level 7)

A.T. 5 — Entities and Fragments (Level 8)
A.T. 6 — Spiritual Perception (Level 8)
A.T. 7 — Mastering Ascension (Level 8)
A.T. 8 — Advancing Systemology (Level 8)
Supplement — Systemology Piloting
4+-in-1 hardcover — Keys to the Kingdom (Volume Two) (Level 8)

(All titles are available from your favorite bookseller.)


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Filed under advanced training course, basic course, grade v, Grade VI, Grade VII, joshua free imprint, mardukite academy, mardukite systemology, mardukite zuism, new release, new standard systemology, news, nexgen, professional course, research development, systemology, systemology society, youtube