Tag Archives: backtrack joshua free

Spiritual Ascension in This Lifetime: Realizing You Are More Than Human with ‘Mardukite Systemology’

First conceived of in the 1990’s while Joshua Free was writing material for ‘magick‘ and ‘druidism‘ (under the pseudonym ‘Merlyn Stone‘, and developed ‘behind-the-scenes’ simultaneously with the research and developments of the ‘Mardukite Chamberlains‘ between 2008 and 2013, the ‘Pathway of Ascension‘ demonstrated in the works composing ‘The Systemology Core‘ are unparalleled in today’s world — a synthesis of high-power metaspirituality and metapsychology that has perhaps never before been so concisely realized and communicated in all of recorded history.

The Systemology Core by Joshua Free
The Systemology Core (A Pathway to Ascension) collected works by Joshua Free;
featured titles include: The Tablets of Destiny Revelation; Crystal Clear (Handbook for Seekers); Metahuman Destinations (2 Volumes); Imaginomicon; The Way of the Wizard; Systemology-180; Systemology Backtrack

Although the ‘Mardukite Academy‘ classifies the entry-point of “Mardukite Systemology” as ‘Grade-III‘, a Seeker is not required to study (or practice) the prior gradients in order to get started on the ‘Pathway to Ascension’.

While it is true that “Mardukite Systemology” developed as an extension of the original ‘Grade-II Route of Mesopotamia‘ and an upper-level interpretation of the ‘Arcane Tablets’ (ancient cuneiform and other writings), a minimal understanding of Mesopotamia is necessary to begin your journey with the first professional volume of the ‘Pathway’: The Tablets of Destiny Revelation.

The Systemology Core by Joshua Free (available in paperback and hardcover)

As of Summer 2023, all core titles of the ‘Pathway’ are available in both hardcover and paperback!


Pathway to Self-Honesty Series
collected writings by Joshua Free
An ancient map of spiritual defragmentation and Ascension revealed. An applied philosophy for modern life and the future. The beginning of the Systemology “Pathway” and upper-grade Academy work.
Vol. 1The Tablets of Destiny Revelation (How Long-Lost Anunnaki Wisdom Can Change the Fate of Humanity — Liber-One)
:: Hardcover :: Paperback ::
Vol. 2Crystal Clear (Handbook for Seekers — Liber-2B)
:: Hardcover :: Paperback ::
Vol. 3 — The Power of Zu (Applying Mardukite Zuism and Systemology to Everyday Life — Liber-S1Z)
:: Hardcover :: Paperback ::

Mardukite Academy, Route of Systemology, Grade-III


Professional Piloting Series
collected writings by Joshua Free
Joshua Free presents a revolutionary professional course in advanced spiritual technology for Mardukite Systemologists to “Pilot” the way to higher ideals that can free us from the Human Condition and return ultimate command and control of creation to the Spirit. The original Spring-Summer 2020 professional course.
Vol. 1Communication, Control and Command (Liber-2C)
:: Hardcover :: Paperback ::
Vol. 2The Universe and Mind-Body Connection (Liber-2D+3C)
:: Hardcover :: Paperback ::

Mardukite Academy, Metahuman Systemology, Grade-IV


Gateways to Infinity Series
collected writings by Joshua Free
The way out. Hidden for 6,000 years. But now we’ve found the key to rise above the Human Condition and access beyond physical existence. Fly free across all Gateways. Go back to where it all began and reclaim that personal universe that the Spirit once called “Home.” Break free from the Matrix; command the Mind and control the Body from outside those systems — because you were never human…
Vol. 1The Imaginomicon (Liber-3D)
:: Hardcover :: Paperback ::
Vol. 2The Way of the Wizard (Liber-3E)
:: Hardcover :: Paperback ::

Mardukite Academy Grade-IV, Systemology Wizard Level-0


Pathways to Infinity Series
collected writings by Joshua Free
Journey toward Spiritual Ascension with an expert application of Beta-Defragmentation training routes, procedures and exercises for all Systemology Pilots and Solo-Flying Seekers. Take the first steps toward Alpha-Defragmentation — and not only expand your knowledge of “between-lives” spiritual implanting and other mental programming, but also learn how to handle it. Recommended only for advanced Seekers that have previously worked with Systemology materials.
Vol. 1Systemology-180: The Fast-Track to Ascension (Liber-180)
:: Hardcover :: Paperback ::
Vol. 2Systemology Backtrack: Reclaiming Spiritual Power and Past-Life Memory (Liber-4)
:: Hardcover :: Paperback ::

Vol. 3 — TBA
Mardukite Academy Grade-V, Systemology Wizard Level-1


Introductions and Accessories
developed by Joshua Free
Starting with the “Original Thesis” developed and released underground over a decade ago and continuing through to the more recent public debut of Joshua Free’s “Systemology” in 2019, we have preserved everything a Seeker has ever had access to for their own success in Systemology — and for helping others.
Vol. 1Systemology: The Original Thesis of Mardukite New Thought (Liber-S1X)
:: Hardcover ::
Vol. 2The Way Into The Future: Handbook for the New Human (Liber-S1W)
:: Hardcover :: Paperback ::
Vol. 3 — The Power of Zu: Applying Mardukite Zuism and Systemology to Everyday Life (Liber-S1Z)
:: Hardcover :: Paperback ::

Vol. 4 — The Metaphysics of Stranger Things: Telekinesis, Telepathy and Systemology (Liber-011)
:: Hardcover :: Paperback ::

Accessory — The Truth Seeker’s Adventure Journal (Online Exclusive)
:: Paperback ::
Supplement — Pantheisticon (300th Anniversary)
:: Paperback ::

Mardukite Academy, Route of Systemology, Grade-III

Many of the titles composing the ‘Pathway’ are also available in large oversized hardcover anthology textbooks!


Master Edition Anthologies
collected works by Joshua Free
A complete record of materials developed by Joshua Free for the Mardukite Academy of Systemology ‘Master Course’ on Mardukite Systemology (Grade-III).
Vol. 1Systemology Handbook (Liber-One,2B,S1X,S1Z)
A complete record of materials developed by Joshua Free for the Mardukite Academy of Systemology ‘Master Course’ on Metahuman Systemology (Grade-IV).
Vol. 2Metahuman Systemology Handbook (Liber-2C,2D,3C,3D,3E)

The Systemology Core by Joshua Free

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Filed under backtrack, crystal clear, Grade III, Grade IV, grade v, Grade VI, Imaginomicon, joshua free imprint, mardukite, mardukite academy, mardukite systemology, mardukite zuism, metahuman destinations, metaphysics of stranger things, pantheisticon, power of zu, research development, systemology, systemology society, tablets of destiny, the original thesis, the way into the future, way of the wizard

At the feet of the master… Experience Mardukite Academy Training from anywhere in the Universe

Mardukite Academy Lectures Series by Joshua Free
(6 Volumes, Hardcover, Available Separately)

Launched in 2019 — and established permanently in the San Luis Valley Colorado underground in 2020 — Joshua Free’s ‘Mardukite Academy of Systemology’ has provided an unparalleled communication of the ‘gradients’ of metaphysical, mystical, metapsychological and metaspiritual pursuits for modern Seekers.

The Mardukite Academy Lectures officially began in late 2019 when Joshua Free rebooted the theory and practice of ‘Systemology’ for upper-level work — and reinvigorated the face of Mesopotamian (Anunnaki) ‘spirituality’ and ‘neopaganism’ as ‘Mardukite Zuism’ — with the now-famous “Power of Zu” lecture series, the first to be audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim as a publication.

In September 2020, a dozen Seekers attended the original delivery of the Mardukite Master Course by Joshua Free — spanning three ‘grades’ of material and 48 lectures! These lecture transcripts — along with ‘Power of Zu’ were compiled into a large anthology (The Complete Mardukite Master Course), but with a promise that they would be available as individual volumes at a future time. Well, the ‘future’ is now; and that promise can be fulfilled.

Although ‘Power of Zu’ (as Vol. 5: Mardukite Zuism) and ‘Backtrack’ (as Vol. 6: Advanced Systemology) are also available in other formats/editions, they are reprinted here for this series because they also contain verbatim transcripts of Academy Lectures.

Mardukite Academy Lectures Series by Joshua Free
(6 Volumes, Hardcover, Available Separately)


Portable Hardcover Set
lecture transcripts by Joshua Free
A record of the original Mardukite Academy lectures given by Joshua Free in September 2020 for the ‘Complete Mardukite Master Course’ .
Vol. 1Magick & Mysticism (Grade-I, Route-A)
Vol. 2Druids, Elves & Dragons (Grade-I, Route-D)
Vol. 3Mesopotamian Tradition (Grade-II)
Vol. 4Mardukite Systemology (Grade-III)
A record of the original ‘Power of Zu’ lecture series given by Joshua Free in December 2019.
Vol. 5Mardukite Zuism: Power of Zu (Grade-II/III, Liber-S1Z)
A record of additional lectures given by Joshua Free to the ‘Mardukite Academy of Systemology’.
Vol. 6Advanced Systemology: Backtrack Series (Grade-V, Liber-4)

The ‘Master Course’ editions are designed to supplement the original ‘grade textbook’ anthologies available, which collect the work of Joshua Free.

And don’t miss the debut novel by the amazing young talent behind the “011 / Eleven” character on Stranger ThingsMillie Bobby Brown’s “Nineteen Steps”.

And don’t miss the debut novel by the amazing young talent behind the “011 / Eleven” character on Stranger ThingsMillie Bobby Brown’s “Nineteen Steps”.

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Filed under backtrack, celtic druidism, Grade i, grade ii, Grade III, grade v, joshua free imprint, magick & mysticism, mardukite academy, mardukite systemology, mardukite zuism, mesopotamian, mesopotamian neopaganism, modern occultism, news, plans & proposals, power of zu, systemology society

Past-Life Imprints and Between-Lives Implants Pave ‘The Pathway’ of Mardukite Grade-V (Systemology Wizard Level-1)

After nearly year of silence from the ‘Mardukite Academy of Systemology’, the ‘Pathway’ continues like a rocket! Seekers from all over the world celebrated the announcement ringing out from the Mardukite HQ in March 2023, when Joshua Free made the much anticipated opening speech for the ‘Spring 2023 Systemology Conference’ stating: “This is a course in Metaspiritual Systemology. Welcome to Mardukite Grade-V; Systemology Wizard Level-1.”

Awaken to the New Dawn of Immortality!

We are all Spiritual Beings that have known a very long existence. Even before the evolution of Humans or Earth, we existed as other forms, in other times and spaces.

We have descended down a very long track of potential Beingness and considerations, a track that parallels the allegory of “Fallen Angels” enticed by mundane bodies; only to be trapped in them and longing to Ascend again.

— What if we could recover the long forgotten Knowingness of our past existences?

— What if we could reclaim our true Spiritual power that we have lost sight of?

— What if we could actually Backtrack our descent and return to the Source?

“Systemology: Backtrack” documents the first advanced course given by Joshua Free to the ‘Systemology Society’ for Mardukite Grade-V. He candidly introduced the new Wizard-Level subject of “Alpha-Defragmentation” to Grade-III and Grade-IV alumni ready to embark on their next phase of the Pathway in March 2023 at the pre-release of the complete “Beta-Defragmentation” manual for Grade-V students, titled: Systemology-180.


Pathways to Infinity Series
collected writings by Joshua Free
Journey toward Spiritual Ascension with an expert application of Beta-Defragmentation training routes, procedures and exercises for all Systemology Pilots and Solo-Flying Seekers. Take the first steps toward Alpha-Defragmentation — and not only expand your knowledge of “between-lives” spiritual implanting and other mental programming, but also learn how to handle it. Recommended only for advanced Seekers that have previously worked with Systemology materials.
Vol. 1Systemology-180: The Fast-Track to Ascension (Liber-180)
:: Hardcover ::
Vol. 2Systemology Backtrack: Reclaiming Spiritual Power and Past-Life Memory (Liber-4)
:: Hardcover :: Paperback ::

Mardukite Academy Grade-V, Systemology Wizard Level-1

Now you too can learn about handling residual imprinting and other mental programming exactly as experienced by the advanced students and Seekers attending a three-day lecture series held in March 2023 at the Mardukite Babylon ‘Borsippa HQ’ of the Mardukite Academy of Systemology.

“Systemology Backtrack: Reclaiming Spiritual Power & Past-Life Memory” (Liber-4) contains complete transcripts (and associated reference handouts) to all eight lectures given by Joshua Free. It also contains a concise glossary of special terms used throughout the text. This title debuts in its ‘premiere edition hardcover’ on June 21, 2023. It will also be available in ‘paperback’ on August 17, 2023. Additionally, a hardcover “Academy Lectures Series” alternate hardcover edition will also be published in August. The interior text will be identical in all three editions.


Pathway to Self-Honesty Series
collected writings by Joshua Free
An ancient map of spiritual defragmentation and Ascension revealed. An applied philosophy for modern life and the future. The beginning of the Systemology “Pathway” and upper-grade Academy work.
Vol. 1The Tablets of Destiny Revelation (How Long-Lost Anunnaki Wisdom Can Change the Fate of Humanity — Liber-One)
:: Hardcover :: Paperback ::
Vol. 2Crystal Clear (Handbook for Seekers — Liber-2B)
:: Hardcover :: Paperback ::
Vol. 3 — The Power of Zu (Applying Mardukite Zuism and Systemology to Everyday Life — Liber-S1Z)
:: Hardcover :: Paperback ::

Mardukite Academy, Route of Systemology, Grade-III

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Filed under backtrack, borsippa hq, events, grade v, mardukite academy, mardukite babylonia slv, mardukite zuism, news, nexgen, systemology, systemology society